View Full Version : Vomited Blood

05-08-19, 20:18
After a particularly heavy night last night, I threw up blood tinged vomit. This happened a couple of months ago, GP thought a tear. But last night there was no denying the blood.

Currently in A&E awaiting triage. HA is back with a vengeance - logic says its the gastritis I was dx with in 2014,HA says oesophageal varices from cirrhosis

Just needed to vent

05-08-19, 20:39
You did right thing going to A&E and hope cause is of a benign nature.

05-08-19, 22:11
Let us know how you get on. Hope it’s not too long a wait.

05-08-19, 23:04
Good news.

My bloods were all perfect, so that would rule out serious causes like cirrhosis (causing varices, bleeding) and thr bleed mustnt have been that big because my urea was normal.

Really freaked me out big time because there was no denying the blood.

He feels this is a manifestation of my GORD/Gastritis and to increase PPI for a while.

Phew. Really thought I was a goner

06-08-19, 03:57
So glad to hear you’re okay! :)

06-08-19, 07:56
So glad this crisis has passed radiogaga.

06-08-19, 08:03
Glad to hear you're doing okay!

06-08-19, 08:52
Glad you’re ok, that must have been scary x

06-08-19, 13:46
Thanks so much everyone for the replies. It was nice to see them :)

Certainly has made me realise I should look at abstaining from alcohol altogether

08-08-19, 14:20
Glad to hear you are ok. Did the doctor say what it was?

I know you have talked about alcohol elsewhere on here to inform others about it's dangers and I was hoping this wasn't something connected. Perhaps you just have levels you can't go beyond now?

08-08-19, 19:17

I've just realised my post was quite vague - I'll give a bit more detail because I know it can help others who possibly will go through the same. Obviously, if anyone else vomits blood, the only place for them is A&E, then they can check the internet.

May 2019
I was binge drinking and vomited. I remember at the time thinking my vomit was slightly red - however, due to the state I was in, I couldn't convince myself I saw blood. I thought, perhaps, it was the Ribena I'd just poured. Again, I couldn't remember if I'd taken a sip or not. So, there was a bit of ambiguity, but I consulted the GP nevertheless. I saw one of the GPs at the practice who is very well renowned throughout my town for being a competent doctor, and he didn't seem concerned. He thought perhaps it was a Mallory-Weiss Tear (no idea if I'm spelling that properly). As he didn't seem concerned at all, I forgot about it right away.

August 2019
Binge drinking (again). Get the urge to vomit (again). This time, there was no Ribena. And as well, this time there was no mistaking the red blood. It's hard to quantify how much blood there was, as when it mixes with anything, it can appear to be quite a lot. However, all of my vomit was red, including the first "vomit". Needless to say, I went to bed, passed out, and then decided on Sunday "nah I better go to A&E for this". (Note: if this happens to anyone reading this, do NOT be dumb like me - go to A&E immediately).

On "check-in" at A&E, the girl said it had happened to her. It also happened to a friends brother, who had stomach ulcers.

The doctor was a bit perplexed. My blood levels showed no signs whatsoever of a significant blood loss, LFTs were all normal (essentially ruling out cirrhosis and associated oesophageal varices - however, when these things "blow", most don't even make it to A&E, so that was unlikely to begin with). No signs of anaemia, so this would help to rule out stomach cancer (although, amazingly, this never worried me as its incidence at my age range is 3 per 1,000,000).

One possibility is I have been taking Aspirin every day recently. Although, I would tend to discount this as causing it because the blood was red and not coffee ground vomit. And usually when blood thinners cause UGIB, it will be severe and show in a blood test (but obviously, not always). I'm also relatively confident I was not taking aspirin around the time of the first episode in May.

The A&E Consultant was rather baffled. He said he'd write to my GP and suggest the possibility of a scope. Although he said if the GP didn't feel the need, he wouldn't be concerned.

I then contacted my GP to get PPI dose increased, as per the above's advice, and asked the receptionist to enquire about endo referral. She was to leave a note attached detailing the GPs suggested course of action. (Another note: Do NOT be like me - it's almost 4 days since this event, and I haven't bothered picking up the Rx yet. Follow these things up ASAP!)

I would be very surprised if the GP doesn't want a (urgent) referral to Endo. I had an endo in 2014 which showed moderate gastritis, and I've had reflux issues for a long time. Logic would dictate there has obviously been a worsening of these conditions (?ulcer/severe gastritis).

Undeniably, there must be a connection with the alcohol, because both times have been when I've been drinking heavily. And whatever is causing the bleeding is obviously only doing so just before, or at, the moment I actually vomit, hence why it's bright red. Alcohol is the common denominator here, and sadly, I'm terrible at practicing what I preach on here (namely ​alcohol avoidance in those with anxiety)

08-08-19, 20:45
I do wonder if it might be relevant that you have been taking aspirin? My brother had quite a severe gastric bleed in his 20s after taking aspirin for only one week. Some people react badly to it.
Guessing it might be good to go easy on the alcohol too?

08-08-19, 21:06

I must admit it did cross my mind - and it was suggested by the triage nurse (although, not the doctor - he didn't really offer any firm explanation and almost blew it off) about it possibly being the cause.

I went through a period of drinking every night when I was 20/21/22 (how I functioned, and did so very well, I will never ever know). Then I was able to wise up and restrict myself to drinking on the weekends only (albeit, binge/weekend warrior style) every weekend.

Unfortunately I'm at the stage now where its either pack it in completely or do nothing (moderating my drinking, I simply don't enjoy). The only option I have now is complete abstinence. It's hard to accept, but I'll have to do it. I will keep everyone posted on here as, like I've said before, alcohol abuse is quite high in those with anxiety and I hope I can help anyone​ who also suffers from this problem

08-08-19, 21:07
My son was born without an oesophagus and basically his stomach was pulled up into his chest to join his throat. He had a degree of bleeding from the anastomosis site when he was a toddler and would frequently pass "coffee grounds" altered blood. He was anaemic too.Things settled without treatment amazingly.

I think it's reassuring that your bloods were ok and that the A&E consultant wasn't unduly concerned. You weren't considered an emergency case and your GP hasn't been in touch since the episode. Whether you have an endoscopy or not maybe you will consider the risks of overdoing it on the alcohol front because you don't want a repeat of this scare?

08-08-19, 21:12
Apologies for the brief response, but agreeing with the concensus here. Please take care of yourself? People here care about you.

08-08-19, 21:18
I think it would be great if you could come off alcohol completely. It won't be easy but you are best placed to access support being in the healthcare profession yourself.

08-08-19, 21:57
I also noticed your first major fear in this case was oesophageal varices caused by cirrhosis..... is the alcohol feeding into the HA?!

09-08-19, 04:58
Thanks for clarifying, although please don't feel you have too if something is too sensitive at this time either, as it helps me understand what you were saying on another thread. I thought you had stopped the binge drinking based on that so was wondering whether you had relapsed into this event.

Yes, I think on the basis of an A&E visit your GP is going to want a quicker answer. That doesn't imply anything else, merely a doctor wanting to get it diagnosed and treatment started.

I had a friend many years ago, older than me at the time, who drank like me. Typical working class drinking levels, you know how it is in the UK. He started vomitting blood and it turned out he had an ulcer. Giving up alcohol entirely wasn't something he wanted to do, not that it was a drinking problem issue just that it was one of life's pleasures and he was only in his thirties, and heavy drinking meant he vomited blood again. He tended to find it happened more with spirits.

Whilst you've ruled out the aspirin perhaps it's a combination issue? That plus heavy drinking, as Jojo pointed out, but maybe something like an ulcer that is being aggravated? Like how someone with piles ends up with a load of blood due to alcohol irritating them?

If moderate drinking has lost it's interest how do you feel about abstinence? Does it take a pleasure away or mean anxiety increases? Would it matter much to your life anymore unlike in the past where it was a crutch for the anxiety? Maybe it's replaceable with something else at this stage?

09-08-19, 13:35
Thanks everyone for the kind words - it does help and I really appreciate them


Went to the GP surgery on my way into work this morning the rx had been left at reception and, low and behold, the dose hasn't even been increased. There is no mention anywhere of further action.

Perplexed, as I was in a hurry and running late, decided to phone the surgery on my break. Receptionist said that GP had obviously not deemed further investigation necessary and the GP in question is off on a half day.

Umm... Hello? I vomited red blood stained vomit?

So I've got an appointment with said GP next week.

Even if the GP is banking on this being a Mallory-Weiss tear, surely endoscopic confirmation would be preferred? Mortality rates from UGIB is about 10% - albeit most are over 60 with serious comorbiditids.

With regards the drinking, sadly I lasted about one month of abstinence. And spirits are all I drink (whiskey, vodka). So certainly a very unwise choice. All week I go without a drink and then, as is typical of an alcoholic brain, I think I can 'reward' myself for this at the weekend

It's also part of the reason I relapsed - look how well I've done, staying sober for a month, you deserve a drink! (normal non alcoholic people simply don't think like this)

If only I found COMPLETELY quitting drinking as easy as I found completely stopping smoking

09-08-19, 13:40
Also another thing. The gastritis I had dx is commonly associated with HPylori infection. (it's also common with alcohol). My GP is aware of this

So I was given an HPylori test to do a while back - all very well. The problem? Ppis must be stopped 2 weeks before said test. How am I supposed to do that when my reflux was severe to begin with, negermind combined with rebound reflux!?!

There's being an 'antibiotic guardian' (a current buzzword) try en there's being plain stupid. GP should've treated this as if it was HPylori.

Having said that, I should've been my own advocate.

09-08-19, 13:47
Re: alcohol

I have the Classic addiction signs (and have done since I was about 19).

When someone 'drink counts' me, I get annoyed
I have hidden bottles before to hide the amount I've drank
Trying to moderate my drinking results in me not enjoying it - I have to find the 'sweet spot' and that's usually around 50cl of spirits consumed quickly
I've felt guilt about drinking
Knowing I should cut back
The only thing I haven't done yet is hair of the dog

Its a horrible situation. Some would say 'just don't drjnk' but anyone who has had this addiction knows it not that easy

09-08-19, 14:02
It's a huge step to take and you will be facing an "all or nothing" scenario if you seriously want to quit drinking. Mentally are you ready to consider that step?