View Full Version : Long swelling in neck above clavicle has me anxious

06-08-19, 02:07
So I've been feeling some swelling or something in my neck. Above my clavicle and with my lymph node history it has me a bit freaked. It feels like a long tube with lumps, few cm long and fairly thin. I'm hoping it's just a muscle or something, I can kinda follow it between what I think could be two muscles. It does seem to kinda move with the neck and conforms to it when I stretch it so idk....I don't really know how to describe it.
It feels hardish and is bigger than it was but I think that could be my fault for always digging around there.

07-08-19, 22:06
I keep touching it.
I went to see a doctor yesterday and I started to feel less anxious but I'm now having doubts. I told him I wasn't sure if it was a lymph node cause it's long and he said he didn't think so either and that it felt like some muscle string or something. But I'm not sure, now I'm starting to feel like it could be a node.....ahhhhhhh

08-08-19, 02:14
Went back to the doctor. Met with a different one now.
She said it felt like a blocked fat gland and might stay there forever, not lymph nodes. She did suggest an ultrasound but made a point of saying she thought it would be pointless, so I'm not doing that just yet.
I just hope she felt the right things in my neck.

13-08-19, 01:41
Sigh...I'm anxious again. Even now started to worrry about my old lymph node swellings from 2007 and if they are actually cancerous.......
It's probably been around a month since I found this above my clavicle. It's kinda in the middle between the bone and the big muscle coming from the neck to the shoulder. I'm not sure if it has gotten any bigger in that time.
I'm also having a prickly throat the last few days which is worrying me that that it could be a lymphoma or somthing.......

My dad died from Alzheimers last year, we are 10 days from the anniversary. Could that be a trigger for my anxiety relapse?

13-08-19, 02:50

I'm sorry you're having a rough time. It's very reassuring the two doctors you visited didn't think anything of it. That should be a big comfort to you. Also the fact that it moves around is a good sign it's a muscle or tendon that you've irritated with pushing on it so much.

Anxiety can cause so many physical symptoms and coming up on a rough time for you that was barely a year ago would definitely add to your anxiety. I'd say distract yourself with tv or things you enjoy doing and try not to touch it for a few days to let it settle down if you have caused some inflammation and trust your doctors they know what they're doing.

Feel better soon!