View Full Version : Referral for knee

06-08-19, 15:49
I plucked up the courage and went to a dr about my knee. They’ve sent me for an mri scan which is in three weeks time and I’ve just received a call to say I need to see a specialist. I was completely overwhelmed with the call and over thinking because she said specialist and I said I thought it was physio I was having? They said it’s a bit higher than a physiotherapist which sent me in to overdrive but what they meant was I needed to see a specialist to determine what type of physio I need. I don’t mean to be informant or rude but lots of people are saying to me it’ll be tendons maybe onset of osteoarthrits and I keep thinking what if it’s a tumour, what if it’s a blood clot which hasn’t burst yet what if what if what if. I’m scared of going through the tunnel for the mri and also a bit worried about Friday. No one really understands my anxiety so I come here to speak to people who may get me and who may have had similar wrong who can tell me what to expect etc. Thanks for taking the time to read.