View Full Version : advice on accepting anxiety issues

07-08-19, 13:16
After 6 years of being without serious HA it has come back with avengence this year. Just wondering about the following (particularly from the more senior members here)

1) At what point did you finally admit to yourself that you had serious anxiety issues that needed treatment?
2) How did you approach this subject with your doctor?

Cheers and Thanks,


07-08-19, 16:59
My anxiety started with panic/agoraphobia. I saw a GP when my friend finally figured out what was wrong with me, but I had got to a point of being unable to go into a shop. That was a long time ago now, but I've been back to various GPs several times with more generalised anxiety, which is possibly more like HA than panic disorder. I usually just say it as it is. Occasionally I'll get a GP who looks a bit dumbfounded but most of them have been helpful. Don't be afraid to talk to your GP. They deal with this sort of thing regularly. I recently heard a statistic that 1 in 3 GP appointments are for mental health. Just explain how you're feeling, that you recognise it's anxiety and you'd like some help with it. It might be worth having a think about what sort of help you want before you go, like meds and/or therapy, so you don't feel rushed into a decision. Good luck.

07-08-19, 21:51
i have worried about my health since my late teens. I am 35 now. I accepted i needed help at around 25 years old. I have blips when i am stressed.

Sounds like you have accepted it. Just go to your doctor and say it how it is. Nothing to be ashamed about.

My therapist said that it can be a learnt behaviour, or a result of a traumatic incident or even general anxiety hanging its hat on your health.