View Full Version : DVT / Blood Clots fear.

07-08-19, 18:26
I'm growing increasingly worried that I'm suffering a DVT right now. Im a trans-woman who takes Estrogen via skin patches (which naturally increases your risk of DVT and blood clots anyway) and an ex smoker; although at the moment im stopping at my friends for her birthday and ive had a couple cigarettes (I feel guilty for doing this and have since denied anymore off her).... But ever since I put my last one out about 2/3 hours ago I've had a constant heavy kinda ache in my left thigh that hasnt eased off. Ive checked myself for swelling or redness and everything in the area and I cant see anything, but I've read in countless places that numerous DVT's dont have swelling or any symptoms and because of this doctors misdiagnosis them alot... The ache isnt getting easier and Im getting really worried now....

07-08-19, 20:37
Hi kieran,

If I read correctly it sounds like the ache your experiencing started suddenly. Symptoms of DVT can vary, some produce no symptoms at all. A sudden ache could be caused by a whole array of things, most are not serious. Perhaps a tweaked muscle, tension, even anxiety can cause this. With all this being said, it's quick to scan for a clot if your truly worried so don't hesitate to contact your doctor for their opinion on this. If you don't have a primary, some urgent care centers and of course an ER could also assist. You are correct in you being at an increased risk, but try not to worry too much. This can be checked quickly if you decide, that's up to you. Good luck.

Take care

07-08-19, 20:45
Hey thanks for the response, my names Ciera btw :)
Do you think its anything to worry about tho? Would it even be worth going to get it looked at? I want to know what others would of done in this scenario >_<

07-08-19, 20:46
Hey lovely, should I call you Kieran or another name?

DVT's have been one of my big fears too. I was overweight and pregnant, that was a time I was highest. I've smoked, travelled for hours, etc. I have been where you are now, for ages any little pain in my leg, even a mild case of pins and needles had me worrying that I had a clot!

Estrogen does increase your risk yes, but it doesn't mean that you're going to get a blood clot or that you have one now. Drink plenty of water and make sure you're hydrated so that your blood is nice and thin. If you're really worried as said above, consult a doctor. To me is seems obvious that this is health anxiety and not a real health problem, because you're worried about the cases of DVT that produce no symptoms at all. You'll have read this online, as I did, but I've asked a few doctors about it and they have told me that they've not seen a case yet that didn't produce symptoms. You're thinking is a little irrational there, which is indicative of anxious thinking.

You know, I probably would go on to the doctors. Tell them you're having anxiety over this and ask them to check your leg, they can reassure you and then hopefully offer you some assistance re: health anxiety?

Sending love, I hope you're alright xx