View Full Version : UTI concern

07-08-19, 22:42
Hey guys! I thought I wouldnt have to come back to this forum again after my anxiety improved and I got therapy yet here I am!
So I woke up today with a quite significant bladder pain. I peed as usual. But found myself going to the bathroom several times during the day (sometimes even 2 times per hour) and had mild bladder pain throughout the day. I bought some cranberry juice and was drinking it all day with water and I was generally not really feeling myself. I have been feeling quite spaced out today and I blamed it on anxiety. My anxiety has been high since a week. I've been crying randomly and just generally feeling very stressed. I decided to go to a doctor after my lower back started to be in pain. Turned out to be a mild UTI and I got antibiotics. I decided to take them in the morning as it was already late. I also have a fear of antibiotics messing up my stomach. I had dinner and then started to feel very dizzy (had vertigo) and I went back to bed feeling super stressed out about it. I started to cry and I told my partner I'm so scared of being sick and I was convinced i have to go to the hospital. I'm scared it could be my kidneys or that I have sepsis from the infection. The doctor checked my vitals and they were alright I didnt have a fever or anything but I read that some people do not have all of the symptoms. I really don't know what to do. I really cant tell what's anxiety or not anymore. I'm so tired and sleepy but I'm scared to go to sleep because it may happen again.

07-08-19, 23:07
As with most here, a real physical issue is often amplified by anxiety. Antibiotics are not an overnight cure so you need to be patient and take your meds, noting that they may cause a bit more stomach upset. Hope you feel better soon.

Positive thoughts