View Full Version : 11 year old with blood in poop

08-08-19, 01:29
I just posed a few days ago with anxieties about my own digestive health and received super reassuring messages. Maybe you can offer similar support now, as my 11 year old daughter is suddenly seeing blood in her bowel movements. 3 days ago, she had fruit skin in her poop that looked like blood. She was super upset and came running to get me. I checked and could tell immediately that it was skin from a cherry (she had eaten several the day before). Yesterday, though, when she came running to get me, the spot in her poop was not fruit skin. It was blood. And again today. She did eat a lot of popcorn the night before her first bloody poop.

Any thoughts? Do most people have blood in their poop on occasion, but they are not checking neurotically as my family does? Is this an indication of something more sinister like colitis? Is it common for popcorn to irritate the digestive tract enough to cause minor bleeding? Her bowel movement was large and constipated-looking, and she could have small hemorrhoids that were irritated. In any case, I would love to hear about it if other healthy young kids experience this kind of thing, too!

08-08-19, 03:45

It sounds like your anxiety may be rubbing off on your daughter a little. When my daughter was a baby my wife was changing her diaper. She yelled for me from the bedroom. When I got there there was blood from her bowel movement. It was a large stool as she was constipated at the time. Bleeding in the stool is fairly common and usually not a cause for concern. You said her bowel movement was large and appeared as if she was constipated. It most likely caused a small tear. Make sure she is drinking lots of water. I'm sure it will clear up in a few days provided her stools can soften up. Staying properly hydrated will help.

Take care

08-08-19, 04:07
Thank you for your reply! Yes, sadly my anxiety has rubbed off in a big way. We are both getting help from a counselor and taking time to have a daily mindfulness practice. Still, we are prone to overreact and reap the negative consequences. Blood in a bowel movement is quite alarming, though, and I'm appreciative of the shared stories and comfort I am finding here.