View Full Version : Acid and sore upper stomach

08-08-19, 18:16
Hello, I have been better for quite a while but am in very bad panic mode at the moment. I have had a lot of stomach issues over the years, but have been better for quite some time. I've had heart and breathing fears a while ago, all resolved and fine. For the last three weeks my stomach started to play up. It started off with pains in my upper stomach that I have had on and off for years.I told myself it was the same and would just go as usual but it hasn't, it has got worse. I have very bad acid. I've been told in the past I was making too much acid owing to anxiety. It is that bad now that I feel raw and sore all the way up from just above my belly button to my throat. Yesterday I had it on and off. I was dancing in the afternoon and felt fine, so told myself it was just annxiety. However last night after supper I fell asleep in the chair and when I woke up I had the most terrible pain in my upper stomach which felt like a lot acid burning its way through. I usually take Peptac which my doctor prescribed a few years ago. I have not had to take any for quite a long time, until the last week. It usually helps a bit but last night it actually made the pain worse which freaked me out. I went to bed in such pain and couldn't sleep. I eventually got off and woke after about three hours and couldn't get back to sleep with all the terrifying thoughts going through my head. The pain had gone but I had this raw soreness that has lasted all day. I am afraid to eat, but know that's not a good idea, and I know being anxious makes acid worse, but I am sure I have never had such bad pain and soreness. I think I should see the doctor, but am scared as we have new doctors now who don't know me or my history of nerves. A few years ago I was given two different acid blockers,, but had to stop taking them as they were affectiing my liver. I even had to have an ultrasound on my liver as a result but everything was fine. Has anyone had acid as bad as this, and raw and sore all day. Can this be a simple acid problem or something worse. I need to calm down but live alone and have no one to talk to. Please reply if you can.

09-08-19, 08:22
It does sound like a possible flare up. Take antacids straight after eating, and also make sure you’re not eating too much, or too high in fat/spices etc.

No harm in seeing your doctor if it continues.

14-08-19, 02:17
Thank you for your reply Scass. I wanted to see the doctor, but cannot even try to get an appoinment for another three weeks. Just none available. I had a consultation with a pharmacist who seemed convinced I was making too much acid, which causes pain as it irritates the stomach lining. He said to keep on the antacids. My mother many years ago who had similar issues had slippery elm food for supper, which evenually seemed to cure her. I have had it in the past and have just started back on it, it puts a lining on your stomach is also healing. I have tried to calm down, and the pain is less. I was hopeful but I now have a feeling of pressure just under my breastbone. It has been coming and going, but today it was terrible all day, I keep thinking something is growing there and panicking. Has anyone had this pressure feeling, it is really scaring me.

14-08-19, 20:39
“Raw and sore” is a very good description of my weird abdominal pains at the moment. Do you think you might have an ulcer?

14-08-19, 21:01
Yes I’ve had that pressure, it’s just under my bra at the front. Often relieved by removing my bra, but when I can’t do that I either take an antacid or do my best to calm down - it eventually goes.

I was convinced I had a hiatus hernia, but I had esophagitis.

18-08-19, 19:57
Thank you for your replies. Jojo2316, I have thought I had an ulcer on and off for years. I had an endoscopy years ago with these raw and sore pains and was convinced, but they didn't even find any inflamation. Right now I have been thinking gastitis caused by the acid. Whatever, I am somewhat better though not completely. What I believe has helped me is having slippery elm food at bedtime, I've just gone back on it. It is healing and puts a lining on your stomach and protects from the acid right from the throat all the way down. My mother had gastritis when I was a child and had the slippery elm, it took time but completely cured her.

Scass I am relieved to hear someone else has had the pressure feeling, and I now realise it can be relieved by removing the bra. Mine is better,I am not getting it anywhere near as often.

Thanks again folks, hope you both feel better soon.

05-01-22, 17:51
Hi, here I am back again. I have been a lot better for quite a while. Been going out, dancing etc. I went out a few times before Christmas, braved it as I had had my booster. I am terrified at the moment about stomach issues (again) and weight loss. In November 2020 I started to lose weight after being stable for quite a long time. However it seemed to settle at the new weight after a few weeks, so tried not to worry too much. I even started to put a bit back on in July 2021. Then I had to most horrendous stomach bug, diarreah for over a week, of course the weight dropped off, which I accepted, but since then though it stabilized it stayed at the new lower weight I never put any back on. I tried to calm down and accept this.

Then a few weeks before Christmas it started going down again. I must admit I wasn't eating well, half the days in the week I would just have a sandwich instead of a dinner. On Christmas Eve it went down again. Then I got the cold and down again. Panic set in especially as I had been having a lot of nausea in the last few weeks. I did a foolish thing, I look at the news online and a newspaper article popped up saying 'do you have stomach cancer' I just knew I shouldn't click on it but I did and ever since my stomach has been feeling very weird. Nausea, but it doesn't feel like normal nausea, I don't know how to describe it, there's a feeling of pressure and fullness too. This article rambled on about nausea and weight loss, and I can't get it out of my head. I've put a pound of weight back on but it sits there I cannot even put an ounce on even though I am eating a lot better. Forcing myself to.

I have always been skinny most of my life. When I was young I went down to 6st 10lbs after a divorce. That lasted a long time. After that I got very ill with a bad flu and being sick several times a day pregnant with my second baby. I went down to 6st. 3lbs and pregnant,the dr had a fit pumped me full of vitamins and I put weight on. My weight was better after the baby was born. I am saying this to show I have always had a problem with low weight.

I will mention on Christmas Day I started what seemed like a bad cold. Sneezing, continuous cough. I thought it could be omicron I did 2 LFTs over 2 days both negative. I was afraid to do the tests but did them anyway. I don't know how reliable the tests are, but I am over it now and it turned out to be very mild whatever it was. A cold I suspect. Of course I was anxious all the time and now I am terrified thinking about my weight and stomach all day. I'd heard if you lose 5% of your body weight over 6 months to a year that is very bad and serious. I've done that but when you are a low weight anyway it doesn't take much to lose 5% as its not much.

I would appreciate any thoughts on this as I can't calm down, and I know that could make it all worse.

10-01-22, 05:15
I have suffered from health anxiety for many years since I was in my teens. I have had some helpful replies on here at times.Last week I was very worried about my weight loss issues, my weight always goes down and never up. My stomach was also feeling weird and quite a bit of nausea. That settled down a few days ago and I put half a pound on, I was pleased as with me every ounce counts. Yesterday I was feeling better until late afternoon when I suddenly got a bad stabbing pain in my upper stomach just above my belly button.It lasted a few minutes and then went. About an hour later it came back. Since then it has got more frequent and I am getting more and more panicky. I got afraid to eat, I'm sure it made it worse. I can't sleep. Stomach pains always terrify me, and I've had many over the years, but this is different. Sometimes it comes on when I'm just sitting, but it does seem worse when I bend or stretch and move. This has come from nowhere out of the blue, and I feel in danger and don't know what is going to happen next. I live alone and don't feel I can cope. On top of this I know now with my not eating much and worrying and panicking my weight will go down again. That frightens me and it just never goes back up to what it was, I'm lucky if I get a couple of pounds back. I'm here terrified of this stabbing, it's like someone is sticking needles in me. Has anyone here had this, and was it something simple or even anxiety? I feel so alone with it.

10-01-22, 12:52

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.

10-01-22, 15:20

Not wanting to be to blunt but looking at your post history they do have a running theme and with respect had you had untreated bowel/pancreatic cancer for that length of time you would simply be dead.

I’d suggest focus on the similarities and keep telling yourself that you got over it once and you will do again - maybe find an antacid that you can take, lay off the booze (if you drink) and get some exercise. I saw in one of your other threads you also have twitching etc if you have a hyper active nervous system that can set your stomach off (exasperated by the additional worry) personally I go for peppermint tea/ matcha, catch up on some sleep and take any meds that make you better (gaviscon advance, imodium, buscopan etc) and if it’s still bothering you after that maybe make an appointment with the dr, maybe set a date I.e if I still feel this way constantly for two weeks I’ll call the doctor, sometimes just knowing you have a course of action booked in is all the safety blanket you need.