View Full Version : Worst one yet

08-08-19, 18:18
okay so here are my current symptoms.... Dizziness almost constant
pressure in face (behind nose) and temple
random head pains
pins and needles in face and temple
I went to a&e yesterday in a total panic. They drew blood (normal) took bp (normal) and a doctor did a neurological exam (reflexes, weakness, follow finger so on) his exam lasted 20 mins or so. He said he was sure there was nothing bad going on since all those tests were normal. But here I am today still with all symptoms and still in a total panic.

Ps it's not sinus, no drainage
I do suffer tmjd

08-08-19, 18:33

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

Please also read this post:


08-08-19, 18:45
I do suffer tmjd

And your symptoms are consistent with that, exasperated by anxiety symptoms.

Positive thoughts

08-08-19, 18:50
I'm not sure... I've had tmjd for around 6 months. It's always been pain in the joint rather than this pressure in the temple and face

08-08-19, 20:38
So what was the doctor’s theory?

08-08-19, 20:48
didn't have a theory. They know I suffer from anxiety so they tend to lean towards stress and tension.

08-08-19, 20:53
Which could indeed account for all the above symptoms....
And what is YOUR theory?

08-08-19, 21:07
catastrophic theories. Brain tumour, or something equally sinister

08-08-19, 21:13
For what it's worth, this really does sound like a tension issue to me.

08-08-19, 21:17
oh if only I could convince myself .... my anxiety/panic hasn't been this bad for a long time

08-08-19, 21:34
I'm sorry, it sounds like an awful time for you. You've been okay before, though, and you will again.

08-08-19, 21:48
Thankyou xx

18-08-19, 20:55
this has been the worst anxiety spell I've ever had. it's left me housebound. All started with dizziness which turned to head pressure and has been going on 4 weeks. Saw a doctor who thought it was tension. I was honest with her and said I was worried it was a brain tumour.... she said I had no red flags and pain from a tumour is usually extreme because it bleeds. Shortly after the appointment I had a different pain in my head. very specific shooting pain all day and night. Now the shooting pain has gone leaving a tender bruised feeling in it's place. I've convinced myself now that the pain was a tumour which had a bleed leaving a bruised feeling. Am I nuts?

18-08-19, 21:02
You're not nuts or ridiculous but it's obvious you're spiraling based on the last couple of threads. The pattern is obvious..... symptom starts, hyper-focusing begins, anxiety ramps up, rinse and repeat :(

Positive thoughts

18-08-19, 21:08
absolutely and I've started sertraline 10 days ago so just trying to ride out the initial side effects and anxiety.... just feel like I need constant reassurance

18-08-19, 22:44

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.