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19-09-07, 19:11
I have started CBT this week - and was determined to stay positive, but I am really worried and dont know what to do.

I have a really strange sensation at the top of my head. It is hard to describe - but is like toothachey kind of feeling. I can feel a pressure like feeling too and my ears feel really full. It is really scaring me as when it is at its worse - I get really dizzy with it.

My face also feels kind of numb and achy too and my sense of taste isnt quite right. I have had a headache for over a week now - but it seems to be getting worse.

Any ideas on what it could be. Could it be migraine, nerve pain or something more serious???

Please, please reply if you can help.


19-09-07, 19:27
Hello Ann !
Anxiety can do any number of weird and wonderful things to our bodies - and stress can be a major cause for headaches. You should talk this over with your GP to get some reassurance - don't wait until you get even more stressed ! Well done for starting CBT you're coping really well under a very stressful situation. Keep also practising relaxation, it will help loads !
Be kind to yourself

20-09-07, 18:04
Thanks Neptuno for your reply.:hugs:

I do feel really stressed at the moment - but the headache is adding to the stress.

I am wondering whether the headaches are actually caused by the lighting at work - as they are really bright - and my headaches are worse there or whether it is just stress and tension. I am going to make an appointment with the optician to check my eyes and also my doctor as I have had the headache for well over a week now.

I am finding the relaxation so hard as my head is just pounding all day long.

20-09-07, 18:55
Hello Ann !
You're doing all the right, sensible things. It's quite likely the lighting could be adding to the problem. You can relax in lots of different ways - listen to music, read a book, soak in the bath, chill out with friends, exercise - cycle, swim, yoga etc, reward yourself with a small treat for coping really well. ( A smelly bubble-bath, good book and lovely crisp clean sheets at bedtime work for me !)

Try keeping a diary of what you eat and drink during the day - perhaps there's something that kicks things off (too much caffeine / chocolate ?)
You know how you feel better than anybody so keep up the detective work !
You will find the stress will ease a bit because you feel you are doing something positive to deal with the situation.

When you feel really stressed try tapping your finger tips together - its a quick work-out on your accupressure points. Give it a try too.
Be kind to yourself.

20-09-07, 19:18
It could be sinus problems.

Try one of those steam inhalers to see if it helps.