View Full Version : Flu like symptoms

08-08-19, 23:09
I have and flu like symptoms numbness or sensible areas in my body and feel generally tired and run down but I’ve not had runny noise or cough.

What could be the cause? It came on sudden at work today

09-08-19, 22:35
Today I have felt sweaty and hot and cold and very tried. Can it really be flu causing this?

09-08-19, 22:38
yep you have a bug, keep drinking fluids and wait for it to pass.

09-08-19, 23:08
Who knows what it is - we can't say really.

11-08-19, 07:03
yep you have a bug, keep drinking fluids and wait for it to pass.

Yes that’s been since around Thursday if I Duno how long this will last? It’s Sunday and I still feel awful i worry about more serious illnesses. I have been drinking plenty and taking paracetamol

11-08-19, 07:29

11-08-19, 19:13
Go to the doctor and ask them

I can go next week if need be

but right now I am worrying that I feel so unwell

15-08-19, 20:08
So it’s been a week since this happened. Last Thursday my muscles felt tense and I felt weak. I was in bed for days after struggling through last few days of work

This week it’s got worse I feel sick after eating and I have a bad cough. Taking cough medicine, paracetamol but nothing is shifting it.

Every day I wake up feeling crap. I can’t afford a sick day at work as I am skint but I feel atleast at work I’m not thinking about the symptoms.

As I have health anxiety I feel I’m dying and this is never getting any better. Anybody got any advice? People think as I make work I’m fine but when I come in I need to go right to bed?

15-08-19, 20:16

This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your issue.

This is nothing personal - it just enables us to keep posts about the same problems in the relevant forums so other members with any experience with the issues can find them more easily.

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16-09-19, 00:06
Since I got the cold a month ago I’ve had some headaches feels like my head is being squeezed or I’ve been under water and my ears popped can this be due to flu?

16-09-19, 00:16
Probably from the bin germs :whistles:

Positive thoughts

16-09-19, 20:39
My ears seem funny like there is wind and I have headaches how can I sure it’s not serious?

16-09-19, 21:14
Watch and see

16-09-19, 21:25
Watch and see

Well that’s not a great answer as I don’t want to wait and have something awful wrong

16-09-19, 21:30
My ears seem funny like there is wind and I have headaches how can I sure it’s not serious?


Only a doctor can answer this question. I'm not a doctor but it certainly sounds like residual cold symptoms.

Best Wishes.

16-09-19, 21:47
Well that’s not a great answer as I don’t want to wait and have something awful wrong

It is hardly anything awful is it.

Go and see a doctor then, what else do you want us to say ?

17-09-19, 02:40
You are only making your headaches worse by stressing over them,go outside get some fresh air and drink some water.

26-09-19, 00:35
I’ve had a popped ear/blockage for a few weeks could it be flu? It feels like I’m under water or it needs popped?

bin tenn
26-09-19, 02:45
I'm not sure if that's a flu symptom, but I don't think so? Sounds quite routine though, in any case.

26-09-19, 15:40
Might be wax. A quick trip to the doctor will help find the problem: I had my ears syringed a few years back because one of my ears just totally blocked up and everything sounded underwater. It was actually OK, mildly pleasant feeling and afterwards I could hear better than I had done in years! It costs about £40 to get it done privately (i.e. quickly)

26-09-19, 17:51
Hi Phil.
Welcome to the club...... I've had this chronically for decades now, but it always seemed to be caused by swelling and inflammation of my sinuses and would be relieved by Afrin and decongestants. Once I cut way back on dairy, the inflammation decreased significantly, but a few months ago I had a cold and even after that left, I couldn't get my ear to stop crackling. First doctors visit started me on antibiotics, didn't help. Then a round of steroids.... didn't help. Appointment with an ENT claimed my ears looked find and that it was very possibly TMJ from grinding my teeth at night. I started wearing a mouth guard a few weeks ago and the crackling has minimized, but is still there at the end of the day. Don't know if the night guard is helping or if it was a long-lasting cold that is finally leaving?

In any event, try a decongestant and see if that helps.

26-09-19, 18:14
I have had fluid in my ear for no good reason whatsoever. The doctor gave me a droplet to put in my ear a couple times a day and cleared it up in about a week.

26-09-19, 21:20
Yes I am unsure if I should put it down to flu or if it needs unblocked?

26-09-19, 21:24
Yes I am unsure if I should put it down to flu or if it needs unblocked?

Well that’s probably a good question for your doctor.

26-09-19, 21:25
Yes I am unsure if I should put it down to flu or if it needs unblocked?

Who knows? :shrug: if it's bothering you that much, see your doctor.

Positive thoughts

26-09-19, 21:29
I've had blocked ear in both since November last year, only recently had it flushed out due to wax. First day after flushing, felt like everyone was talking very loud.

26-09-19, 21:38
This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your thread was merged with another of your threads.

Please when posting on similar topics add it onto your previous post rather than starting a new one.

It is nothing personal it is just to make it easier for people to follow your story and to give you advice as a whole.


26-09-19, 22:14
I've had blocked ear in both since November last year, only recently had it flushed out due to wax. First day after flushing, felt like everyone was talking very loud.

Ah ok how do they flush it out I don’t like sound if that? Will it go away itself?

26-09-19, 23:54
With a small tube in the ear and it sucks it up like a Hoover. I loved it. Mine wouldn't have gone away. I'm glad I done it.

27-09-19, 10:03
Im worried it won’t go away if I blow my nose it makes it worse?

27-09-19, 10:09
Google says

This can block the Eustachian tube, which can feel like popping in the ears, fullness or congestion. Sometimes this blockageresults in a temporary hearing loss, called conductive hearing loss. It usually resolves itself once the cold or allergy is gone.

27-09-19, 13:54
So what do you understand when you read that?

03-10-19, 12:56
I still have the blocked ear how long could it last?

03-10-19, 20:52
We can’t really answer that’s Phil, it’s down to your doctor.