View Full Version : Liver Problems?

09-08-19, 01:04
My other long running worry is bowel cancer, but now I'm scared that I could possibly have severe liver damage

I'm 18, male, from the UK, I don't drink alcohol


Back in December I did a CBC including a liver function test and my ALP (Alkaline Phosphate) levels were high. I re-took the test at the beginning of February and they went down into the normal range and everything else on the test was fine.
My face (around my eyes, nose, mouth forehead a little) is tinted yellow slightly when I take a photo of it with the flash on. The yellow isn't visible without the flash. I checked photos with the flash on from March 29 this year and the yellow tint is there then too

My diet, however, is SHOCKINGLY BAD. I rarely eat healthy food, I buy a load of junk and just pig out on it- biscuits, chocolate, cakes- often in large quantaties, not just one biscuit or one chocolate bar, usually the whole pack.

I'm not overweight or anything but I'm not the skinniest person ever- I think I'm just average with a tiny bit of fat on my belly but if you looked at me you wouldn't think "FAT!"

Starting today, I'm going to start eating healthily and I'm going to cut down on junk food- obviously I won't stop eating it completely but say I have a packet of biscuits, I'll only eat half.

Do you think this is fatty liver related?

09-08-19, 01:23
Just C&P this to your other thread. No need to start another since it's all related to your ongoing mental illness and everyone here knows the deal anyway.

Positive thoughts

09-08-19, 01:45
Please see what Venus has said:


09-08-19, 01:49
Just C&P this to your other thread. No need to start another since it's all related to your ongoing mental illness and everyone here knows the deal anyway.

Positive thoughts

This has no relevance to bowel cancer since I'm no longer worried about it being metastasized to my liver

09-08-19, 01:53
Please see this... (https://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?231201-I-Think-I-Have-Jaundice&p=1888066#post1888066)

Positive thoughts

09-08-19, 01:58
Please see what Venus has said:


Oops I forgot about that thread- I didn't see

Thanks Venus, if you're seeing this

So jaundice definitely has to affect the whites of the eyes?

09-08-19, 02:05
Oops I forgot about that thread- I didn't see

Thanks Venus, if you're seeing this

So jaundice definitely has to affect the whites of the eyes?

The point is Admin have said use the other thread. Having multiple threads is just creating more reassurance seeking opportunities and your long running thread gets lots of traffic anyway.

09-08-19, 02:25
The point is Admin have said use the other thread. Having multiple threads is just creating more reassurance seeking opportunities and your long running thread gets lots of traffic anyway.


09-08-19, 02:26
Admin... could you delete this thread?

09-08-19, 12:24
closing thread