View Full Version : How do you know when it’s all in your head?

10-08-19, 15:09
I’m still struggling with a, according to doctors, side effect of an antidepressant I had recently started taking for my anxiety which is heartburn. It is the weirdest thing. It’s like I can feel it but at the same time I feel like it’s in my mind. I can go out and abut most of the day fine unless I’m thinking about it. And with how worried I am, that’s constantly. I stopped taking the medicine 4 days ago now to switch to a new one, yet I still can feel it. I woke up in the middle of the night to use the bathroom. My grandma was awake and had asked me if I was having heart burn again. I told her no as I had felt fine. As soon as I went to lay down again though I started experiencing it or so I thought.. weird right? Another example, my room always gets hot despite the AC. So we set up a window AC last Saturday. Well, I was worried that it wasn’t positioned right and that carbon monoxide was leaking into my room and I instantly began feeling the symptoms of poisoning. And then I looked it up and apparently they don’t even produce carbon dioxide. This has just been a rough couple of weeks for me as I’m sure a lot of people here can relate. One thing I am happy about is that I finally have an appetite again! At this point it’s just the little things that make me happy. I know that anxiety is a powerful, viscous thing. I am just wondering if anyone else has come to the conclusion that symptoms are all in their head and if there was anything that helped you accept this and start to feel better.

10-08-19, 15:16

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