View Full Version : Freaking out about tiny bump behind ear

10-08-19, 23:23
Hi everyone, I'm new to the boards, glad to be among good company as a fellow HA sufferer! Anyway, I've had this tiny bump behind my ear for a little over a month. Over that time period it very slowly did show improvement, but I'm worried because it isn't all the way gone. I remember picking at it, so it did form a scab, now it looks like the photo. I'm also worried because my mother has had basal cell carcinoma behind her ear so that's where my anxiety is going. I have a derm appt on 8.19 but wanted to post here to get some input or feedback to ease my nerves if possible. I'm trying to tell myself that since it showed improvement maybe its not anything bad but that thought is canceled out by why hasn't it gone away fully and my mother's experience. Appreciate any help.

10-08-19, 23:36
We don't encourage the posting of pictures and asking for medical advice so I will remove the picture.

11-08-19, 05:10
From my personal experience, BCC won't heal at all. It just kept scabbing over and then bleeding again regardless of whether I picked at it or not.

That said, even with the severe medical phobia I have (it took me several years to get the courage up to get it looked at), getting it dealt with wasn't a big deal. If it's behind your ear it'll be easy enough to cover the scar.

11-08-19, 12:09
Thanks for replying. The scab is definitely gone, just a tiny flesh colored bump that doesn't bleed, nothing oozes out of it. The inflammation that was present has gone down.

11-08-19, 19:15
Honestly, while skin conditions are worth checking out (more than anything, since we always see it, it's always on our mind until we know), bcc is very very rarely harmful, and readily treatable. A skilled derm, if it DOES need removal, would be able to minimize scarring. And behind the ear is easily hidden and ignored away.

Dont sweat this one!