View Full Version : very anxious about skin cancer !

12-08-19, 13:43
i’m really nervous about this and it’s put me in such a depressed mood over the past 4 days when i should be enjoying my holiday. but 4 days ago i’ve noticed a small black spot on a mole on my leg which i’ve had for years. obviously as i have health anxiety i’m already assuming the worst and i can’t stop thinking about it. it looks kind of like a blackhead and hasn’t really changed at all since it appeared. i am a young person and i heard that skin cancer in young people isn’t as common but i’m still really anxious. can somebody help me out please ?

12-08-19, 13:48
Hi there,

Just thought I'd reply because I'm in exactly the same position as you right now. I'm going to see a dermatologist tomorrow who can hopefully help.

It sounds totally normal to me. My husband has some moles on his back with black spots in them but they've been that way for a long time. This might sound silly coming from me, but please don't worry. Use sunscreen and enjoy the rest of your holiday.