View Full Version : New here! but always been a reader! can I ask a question? REFLEXES. CHIN!

12-08-19, 21:27

New member but have read this site for years, it is the only site that doesnt make me panic ... hence the name I guess.

So, I have health anxiety of course, have had all the normal illness - currently battling ALS/Neurological. Of course I have been to the doctors many times but as a lot of you probably feel, I believe they chalk my symptoms up to anxiety the second I walk through the door. I know they are qualified and this is my anxiety speaking but as we all probably know, it does little to reassure us!

Basically, I am currently obsessed with reflexes and checking them myself!!!! this began (one because my current fear) but mainly because, when I drop something or I witness someone else dropping something, my lip/chin quivers fir a few seconds?! WHY??? why would that happen, it isnt due to noise or anything like that it instantly happens when I drop or see something drop, does anyone else get this? no doctor knows what I am talking about or anyone i ask!!!

Secondly, does anyone when they have tried/if they have tried the Jaw Jerk Reflex, does anyone elses jaw jerk upwards? Very varied info on the horrific google, sometimes say normal sometimes say all the words we dont want to hear!!!

Anyone able to reassure me??

Thank you guys! xxxx

12-08-19, 21:38
Hiya AlwaysAnxious1986 and welcome to NMP :welcome:

Why not take a look at our articles on our home page, they contain a wealth of information and
are a great starting place for your time on the forum.

I hope you find the as site helpful and informative as I have and that you get the help and
support you need here and hope that you meet a few friends along the way :yesyes:

13-08-19, 18:31
Welcome :welcome:

Sounds like you could be suffering from OCD, but we cant disagnose here :hugs:

Are you seeing a doctor? :hugs: