View Full Version : Microscopic blood in urine??

12-08-19, 23:34
Hey guys, just would love some reassurance or answers? So through my entire life, my urine samples have always contained trace amounts of blood in my urine. I remember dealing with that as a very young kid and they found nothing. I’m now 23 and my doctor found trace amounts of blood again. I had a different doctor awhile ago and they said that some people just have those trace amounts with no underlying cause but this doctor wants me to get a pelvic ultrasound to rule out bladder cancer. I never thought I’d be having this at a young age, what are the chances of being diagnosed with this? I’m doing my best to refrain from google so figured I’d come on here. Anybody with reassuring thoughts? Am I at risk?? :ohmy:

13-08-19, 00:12
Hello there. I actually went through something similar. I haven’t had a pelvic ultrasound but I had a checkup in March and there was traces of blood in my urine too. The doctor reviewed all of my test results and never said anything else. I remember I felt like I was in the same boat as you. It’s scary when there are traces of blood, however my dr wasn’t worried. I actually did research of my own and in a video I was watching it was said that some people do just have traces of blood in their urine and that it’s is just normal sometimes. Don’t stress it too much! As far as I know it can be normal for people!