View Full Version : Flesh-Eating Bacteria Fear

13-08-19, 03:53
Ugh....I’ve read too many articles about flesh-eating bacteria in the last week and now I’m convinced it’s only a matter of time before I contract it....anyone else dealing with this particular fear? Any suggestions about coping with it? Obviously, not reading stories about it and Googling obsessively is a great place to start...unfortunately, that horse is already out of the barn, so now I just need some tips on how to stop freaking out about if.

13-08-19, 14:39
I was waiting for this one to hit the boards. I actually commented on one of the news stories that it would trigger hypochondriacs around the world ;) Unfortunately, it's how news and the media affect people.

Personally, with the political climate in the US and the recent mass shootings, its affected me more than I realized. My wife is Latina. We've experienced racism and prejudice and it's ramped up since 2016. Yesterday, we went to Walmart to pick up a few staple items. I found myself hyper-vigilant and anxious, wanted to get done and out of there ASAP. While we were shopping someone dropped a box and it hit the floor with a very loud BANG! It sounded like a gunshot. I yelled out HOLY $HIT! and went to shelter my wife! My heart was pounding for 5 minutes!

Positive thoughts