View Full Version : intense lightheadedness feeling like I’m going to pass out

13-08-19, 14:26
Hi everyone. It’s safe to say I’ve been struggling lately, years ago I suffered quite intense HA, but I managed to overcome it!

Currently I have two children and I’m lucky enough to be in a position to stay home with them. I must admit that I can find this a stressful some (most) days!

Around a month ago I started suffering these kind of hot flushes that came and went I never thought anything of it. Recently these hot flushes have turned more intense. Sorry tmi but usually after I’ve been to the toilet I start getting hot and I feel extremely light headed, I have to lay down and get my legs in the air to stead it!

I’m having bloods and an ecg on Thursday, but I did wonder are these panic attacks? I’m so unsure as I do not feel a sense of doom and I can breath ok, but the lightheaded ness is quite bad and that does make me panic, once I come round I feel fone although sometimes tired!

14-08-19, 20:05
Well done on overcoming the HA! Panic attacks are certainly possible. Do you feel anxious at that time? You can easily become anxious about being anxious and then it keeps on happening in the feared circumstances. My panic attacks have always made me feel hot, trembly and very faint. I've never had the classic pounding heart/breathlessness thing. I think you're doing the right thing to get checked out to make sure there isn't anything physical going on since it happens after you go to the loo, but yes, panic attacks can cause you to feel lightheaded.

15-08-19, 08:10
Thank you so much for your reply! I wouldn’t say I was when it started but now I’ve noticed the pattern I do get anxious about it! I would say I’ve been subconsciously at a very heightened state of anxiety since April when I had a bout of gastritis! I was living each day worried it would come back! I’m not sure if it’s manifesting itself like this? Xx

15-08-19, 18:44
Might be a long shot, but possibly a blood sugar issue? When my blood sugar rises or falls too quickly, I get dizzy, panicky, and then have to rush to the bathroom. Afterwards, I am totally wiped out, weak and shaky for a while. When I keep my blood sugars more stable, this doesn't happen.

16-08-19, 09:32
I never thought of that! I have discovered that if I put my hands under freezing cold water and count down from 100 it does help! Just so that it’s more of a feeling of being on a boat rather than fully blacking out!

24-08-19, 02:20
Yeah I went through the same thing a few months ago when I was selling my house, buying a new one, having my mom diagnosed with melanoma and work having big project deadlines which relied on me to push through. Felt like I was going to pass out and die. It really sucked. One thing I found that helped was daily meditation. I used the headspace app although it cost money, I still found it very helpful.