View Full Version : help, anxiety about liking someone

14-08-19, 20:53
So basically, ever since i left my ex ive been happy being single. Ive tried to date a couple of times but always find myself backing away from commitment. I'm not sure if this is because my last 2 ex's treated me really badly. Recently ive been speaking to someone and ive met him a couple times and it feels different. ive been so excited to see him and i really like him. I started to feel like this is the one. i know it seems soon but its just how i felt. Today my anxiety has been so bad and now im panicking and have got all these thought going through my head like do i really want this? do i actually like him? shall i back out? and its really annoying me because i want it to work so badly hes amazing but my anxiety is pulling me back,im not sure if this is my anxiety or not? What shall i do? He's absoltely fine with taking things at my pace which is great and he understands i have anxiety. I just need some advice really. help !