View Full Version : Blob in my vision when i blink

15-08-19, 15:56
Another week and another health scare to obsess over.

Few days ago while at work I started seeing a purplish blob in my vision when blinking or looking at a light background. It fades away after a split second. Best I can describe it is like a afterimage of a camera flash or after looking at a light bulb. Almost as if it has permanently burnt itself onto my retina!

I rang up my optician today who said it should fade within a few days but to come in if it doesn’t. I’m freaked out though this has never happened to me before. I know this isn’t a medical diagnosis forum but has anyone experienced the same?

15-08-19, 16:08
Scroll to the bottom of the page or do a search and you'll see this is a very common thing.

Positive thoughts

15-08-19, 17:09
Did you happen to look at the sun by accident or catch a reflection of it? I’m a photographer and read on a photography forum once about a man who was taking a photo and accidentally pointed his camera at a reflection of the sun.

He got what your describing and when he asked his friend about it who was an optician she said it’s because the sun is so bright it burned onto his retina a bit, and it should fade in a few days which it did.

15-08-19, 20:25
Thanks both. I’m not even sure how it came on, could have been glare or something but worrying nonetheless. Obviously everyone gets these when looking at bright objects or glare but usually completely goes away after a couple of minutes.

19-08-19, 09:36
Still there and still worrying me. Time to get myself to an optician I guess.

Wondering what it could be, hope it isn’t serious.

19-08-19, 17:25
Are you sure it’s bit your blind spot? Sometimes I can notice mine when blinking and looking ahead.

19-08-19, 18:43
No it’s definitely a recurring floater of some sort in the form of a purple blob similar to what you get after looking at a bright object.

In the mornings after waking up it’s most prominent but I can also see it when looking at light coloured surfaces. It disappears after a split second. If I close my eye, the longer I close my eye then open it the more prominent it gets. But fades after a split second.

When I’m outside I can’t see it at all. Very strange. Definitely think it warrants an eye examination though.

19-08-19, 19:58
it can’t hurt to get your eyes tested, and while you’re there they can rule out a multitude of other health problems, too. the eyes don’t lie! but at the very worst, you might have some minor retina damage. definitely nothing that can’t be addressed and fixed in short order! heck, i’ve got three stray floaters that are always bobbing and weaving around my left eye. they’ve always been there, and they’ve yet to do me any harm :)

20-08-19, 17:41
So I went to my optician who did the relevant tests after dilating the pupil in my right eye.

Everything to do with my eye and retina was fine. She told me it could be a visual aura due to an ocular migraine (really? ongoing for a week now). Also said if it doesn’t go away after a few weeks I should visit my GP.

Well that’s that then. Cue more anxiety pending..

20-08-19, 17:45
Cue more anxiety pending..

Why? At worst it's a migraine and that can be treated.

Positive thoughts

09-09-19, 14:55
So the blob is still there although it appears less frequently. I wonder if it is stress related.

Still really tempted to go to my GP but I have been so often this year I’m surprised they haven’t flagged me up!!

04-06-20, 11:39
Curious if it ever went away? I stared at a light on accident yesterday and I am having the exact issue now that you had.