View Full Version : Afraid of having been raped whilst asleep

15-08-19, 20:43
So yesterday I had to call a builder to come over and fix my room door, he also had to go change its lock since it was broken in.
He came over, brought another guy with him, and I was in the living room with my 2 smaller sisters and he kept saying how beautiful they were and that he would love to have them for him to take out, etc, sounding like a total creep.
He then gave me the new key for my door, 2 keys.
Anyway he finished it and left.

I’m a early bird myself and I fall asleep very early, but I remembered to lock my door beforehand because it gives me a huge anxiety not locking it here as I live with my mother, my 3 sisters and her bf, some times they have people over and whatnot and my worst nightmare is to be taken advantage of whilst sleeping ranging fro’ fear of being raped, fear of being contaminated with a used syringe, fear of people taking pictures of my documents to create false identity and make debts on my name and so on :(

Anyways I locked it but I forgot to put my bed right in front of the door in case anyone (mainly the builder that come that probably got one key copy for himself) manage to open the door, with my heavy bed in front of it they wouldn’t be able to open it. So I forgot to do that and only locked it :( and to make matters worse I’m not sure if I did it or not I might have done that and he might have pushed the bed away. I’m so terrified that builder might have came again from midnight to 6 in the morning (when I woke up) whilst I was sleeping and got in my room and raped me without me waking up or touched me and took pics of my identity, put his semen in me I don’t know :( I’m a virgin so as soon as I woke up I went in my phone camera to check if my hymen was still there intact and it was but still. He could have done many other horrible things other than penetrative sex. Could have infected me. Made me pregnant if he injected semen down there, stole my identity, you name it.

I live in a building and they have door man here all day and night and the outside door to the streets is locked but anyone can come wave and the doorman will open the door, but then getting in he would have to phone our apartment to see if he could come up but I was asleep , my sister or her boyfriend could of had picked it up and let him in, he could have said he wanted to check the door again I don’t know.
Then he would have to ring the bell because the doors are locked but she might of have opened it for him and let him in and then go back to her room mind her own businesses. And then he could go to my room and open my door with the key he made a copy for himself and did those things to me.

I’m so terrified, I’m thinking about asking the doorman for footage since they have cameras here but it should be from midnight to 6 in the morning it’s a lot to watch, 6 hours. I don’t know if they’d ever let me see the footage. :(

16-08-19, 04:43
I don't know what to tell you other than that this is all incredibly implausible, and I hope some part of you is aware of this.

Are you seeing your doctor about the anxiety right now? They might well be able to help you get the extra support you need.

16-08-19, 12:06
I don't know what to tell you other than that this is all incredibly implausible, and I hope some part of you is aware of this.

Are you seeing your doctor about the anxiety right now? They might well be able to help you get the extra support you need.

A part of me is but the other part believe it has high chances of it happening, and I can’t be this vulnerable need to change my room lock and put a tower gate on top of my door inside.
When you’re sleeping you’re the most vulnerable and vile people know that.

I been to a psychiatrist some months ago, started taking Prozac and it didn’t help at all all it did was making my hair fall out which was really traumatising for me! It lasted 4 months the hair loss, never again or taking another similar medicine and run the risk just to test.

16-08-19, 12:22
You really need to speak to a medical professional about this. The chances of this happening and you not being fully aware of it are as near to zero as makes no odds.

16-08-19, 12:43
I agree with Blue Iris.

It's impossible to sleep through being raped.