View Full Version : Bad stomach pain and other symptoms

16-08-19, 01:09
So I've been holding it together for the past week but things have just been getting harder to ignore and I'm starting to feel the anxiety creep back in.

The last couple weeks or so I've had worsening pain around the stomach region (as well as pelvic pain). I came off my omeprazole just over a month ago to switch to ranitidine but it wasn't doing much for me so a couple days ago I've started the omeprazole again. Either way, the pain doesn't seem to be easing and I'm just feeling more and more nauseous and more of a cramping type of pain when I breathe and press around my epigastric region and navel area. I also have bad back pain upper and lower.

I have been recently diagnosed with a uti so that's one thing but I just finished the course of antibiotics and the symptoms for that have persisted and I feel like the back pain has something to do with that maybe too.

As it is a month or so ago I ended up passing something that made me worry as it looked like a beansprout when I hadn't had any. I decided not to panic and just keep an eye out and just two days ago I had a long noodle like thing appear which is now making me freak out. Doctor can't do anything to confirm without a sample and I'm constipated af so that's gonna be a nightmare.

Part of me wonders if the gastric stuff has something to do with it and my mind has just gone to the worst possible scenarios.

I'm also freaking out that it could be something I ought to address really soon and yet getting a proper appointment to see someone about all this is really hard.

Anyway has anyone had similar experiences or symptoms? Am I just worrying too much and should wait for the omeprazole to kick in again? I don't remember what it felt like to feel normal atm lol but my kidneys feel like someone has punched them as well.

I understand the forum isn't a doctors surgery so I'm not asking for a diagnosis but may be an insight into what these symptoms could be.

Hopefully someone can help me. Thanks

24-08-19, 23:33
Forget the Zantac (Ranitidine) - it's no longer the 1970s/1980s, and we have PPIs! Ranitidine and it's sister/brother/friend whatever you want to call it, Cimetidine (and even rarer, famotidine) are nearly superfluous to requirements now. The latter, Cimetidine, interacts with everything so we hate seeing anyone on it (although that's very uncommon today.

IMHO Zantac is only of use in very difficult to control reflux (E.g. this patient is on the maximum effective ppi dose AND stomach "coater" (e.g. sucralfate) AND antacid (e.g. Peptac/Gaviscon) AND they can't lose weight/improve diet/stop smoking/stop drinking AND still has symptoms. Aside from that, they're a very old class of drug and simply don't "work" as well as the ppis.

Your symptoms would point to possible gastritis, which would necessitate testing for H. Pylori infection. There is a breath test, although there's a newer stool test which can be done. You should speak to your GP about this, because eradicating the h pylori should eradicate the reflux.

Epigastric pain can really only be caused by the stomach, pancreas (this is not the cause going by your symptoms) or sometimes the part of the bowel which goes from "one side to the other".

In your case I'm fairly certain you have a gastritis issue going on. You mention a UTI, so it could be secondary to the abx or unrelated and caused by h pylori.

If I were you, I'd go back to my GP and ask for an h plyori stool sample (supposedly more sensitive than the breath test) and ask for Esomeprazole. Esomeprazole is basically the "lego blocks" of Omeprazole, but they're assembled in a different (purportedly) more effective fashion.

Please keep us updated but I'm certain you have nothing to worry about based upon your post.