View Full Version : DVT/blood clot fear.

16-08-19, 03:48
I know this has been said a million times on here, but I'm scared I've developed a blood clot. I've had loads of times in the past where I've had a painful leg and assumed the worst, and now I have another aching leg and another DVT worry.
I recently started looking after a cat and I've been sitting around with it a lot and squatting down to talk to it etc. I noticed a week ago that both my lower legs ached as if I'd worked out and the muscles were sore, the pain kinda vanished after a couple days but now I notice my left leg feels quite achy. It doesnt look swollen, red or feel hot but it feels like growing pains or like my bone is aching. It doesn't hurt to walk, in fact it feels better when I stand up and walk but I'm on HRT and have been for 6 years (I'm 24, and transgender, not menopausal if that helps).

My knee also feels like I've over used it or something. I've been doing some squats and lower body workouts every few days or so for the last couple weeks but it doesn't feel like muscle soreness from lactic acid. It doesn't hurt to touch either.

I have a boyfriend and a cat now, so I can't just be dropping dead all of a sudden...

16-08-19, 05:02
It's definitely not DVT. You WILL be able to tell if you have DVT. I work in a nursing facility and I see patients with DVT and you can tell their legs are usually more swollen than normal. Your symptoms/characteristics just don't sound like DVT. Try not to worry too much about this, worst come to worst, even if it's PE, a lot of people still survive from it.

bin tenn
16-08-19, 19:51
I agree, it doesn't sound like DVT to me either. Of course, I'm not very familiar with them, but I have heard of the usual symptoms - swelling, redness, severe / unbearable pain, etc. I've had similar thoughts, though not intense, about DVT before. We went on vacation about a month ago, and it was a 10+ hour drive each way. On top of that, we did a lot of walking and driving while on vacation as well. Naturally, my legs were quite achy by the time we got home, particularly my left leg (I'm right handed, so I guess that's why, as the left is my weaker side in general). They remained that way for a few weeks. Any time I would sit for more than a few minutes my leg would start feeling achy again. Sounds a lot like what you're describing, IMO, and I think you're just fine.