View Full Version : Extreme Fatigue ??

always scared
16-08-19, 19:06
I've been getting so tired lately. Getting up to do anything is so hard. I get tried so fast and I have to sit down. I feel so awful and scared :weep: Does anyone else get this way??

16-08-19, 19:46
Yeah it's very common with stress and anxiety.

It's important to get enough sleep and double down on efforts to eat healthily. Your body burns through your nutrients when you're stressed.

bin tenn
16-08-19, 19:47
Stress, anxiety and depression can cause you to feel drained frequently. I assume you have some degree of overwhelming anxiety, hence posting on an anxiety forum, but have you been diagnosed with anxiety or depression? Or do you think you exhibit tell-tale symptoms of those things? I don't have depression, but I do have anxiety disorder, and I often feel quite drained when I've been especially anxious. It's so draining being anxious on a regular basis.

always scared
16-08-19, 20:52
Stress, anxiety and depression can cause you to feel drained frequently. I assume you have some degree of overwhelming anxiety, hence posting on an anxiety forum, but have you been diagnosed with anxiety or depression? Or do you think you exhibit tell-tale symptoms of those things? I don't have depression, but I do have anxiety disorder, and I often feel quite drained when I've been especially anxious. It's so draining being anxious on a regular basis.

Hi bin tenn Yes I've been diagnosed with anxiety/health anxiety and depression. I've been very stressed and have been having extreme anxiety lately. Can't climb out of this rabbit hole of symptoms. It seems I have new symptoms every week since January. I feel so drained.

bin tenn
16-08-19, 21:23
Hi bin tenn Yes I've been diagnosed with anxiety/health anxiety and depression. I've been very stressed and have been having extreme anxiety lately. Can't climb out of this rabbit hole of symptoms. It seems I have new symptoms every week since January. I feel so drained.

That will certainly do it. Being tired can also exacerbate anxiety, so it's just a bit vicious cycle. This is why quality sleep is even more important for someone with anxiety or depression. I sometimes don't sleep as much as I should, and I feel it. Not just in my overall energy levels, but my anxiety elevates as well - including today. What are your sleep habits like? Do you sleep enough, get good sleep, etc? But I also completely understand that, unfortunately, anxiety/depression also makes quality sleep very difficult.

What a pain, huh? :P