View Full Version : Hand muscle twitching ;/

16-08-19, 20:32
Hi all, first time posting.. Been reading posts for a bit though, and like the good feed back here. Since everyone's symptoms is a Lil different I figure I'd throw mine in the ring also.

A little info about me I'm a 46 male, good shape, muscular work out often with no loss of strength. I'm ex law enforcement and have worked thru 9/11 in NYC
So I've seen my share of stress. I have always suffered from health anxiety, since I. CAn remember

It started about 6 months ago my left thumb pad muscle (thenar emenance, I think) started twitching... I do play alot of video games and heavy cell user.. So of course after a few days I Google it.. ;(

You all know the story then.. Set me off in a panic... Ms for sure.. ALS maybe.... So went to a nuero.. Top one in my area.
He laughs and says I can tell just by looking at you you don't have Parkinson's ALS or Ms, but I will do all the tests to make you feel at ease. So EMG showed pinched c6 and c7 and carpal tunnel in my wrist. But was no definite that that would cause twitch.. Most CTS sites say no it wouldn't..cause twitch... But it also does get achy and tingly at night.

Brain mri was clear.. Just some non specific white matter changes.. Usually w age or migraines.. Spine was clear.

So after a month it kinda subsided a bit, but always felt strange m tingley. And would still twitch once and awile. But kinda stopped stressing about it.

Now 3 weeks ago.. Other hand, right hand.. Below pinky on the blade muscle of hand.. Has been twitching.. Not 24/ 7 but everyday n more so in bed.. And hold cell up will set it off

It really has sank me down again but I don't want to fall into that hole again but have no idea now what could be casing this for so long... Pinky side is definitely not carpal tunnel I believe

Any thoughts? Thanks ;) in advance

16-08-19, 22:32
Pinky side can be cubital tunnel, it's the other tendon. It can be aggravated by heavy cellphone use.

16-08-19, 23:08
I'd love to believe that, but I'm a very twitchy person... But when they last this long makes me wonder..... :l

16-08-19, 23:35
You have had more tests than most people will ever have so I think you will have to accept there is nothing serious going on.

17-08-19, 01:29
Yes of course you are right

I'm just one of those types that likes definite answers as to why... Like I said it's the length of the twitching.
My mind goes thru like every reason

But thanks for your positive response, does help ;)

17-08-19, 13:50
I do play a lot of video games and heavy cell user.. .. And hold cell up will set it off...

That's what stands out to me. Cause = Effect. Curtail those activities for a couple of weeks and see what happens ;)

Positive thoughts

18-08-19, 21:20
Just concerning that's its been almost 4 weeks of on n off twitch in that muscle. I have laid off heavi cell / video games.. Don't matter tho

18-08-19, 21:32
I have laid off heavi cell / video games.. Don't matter tho

Exactly.... sometimes things like that happen, especially as we age. You've been cleared by scientific medical testing so..... I had twitching in my left hand thumb pad for weeks all day. It's gone now... just one of those things :shrug:

Positive thoughts

18-08-19, 21:52
Exactly.... sometimes things like that happen, especially as we age. You've been cleared by scientific medical testing so..... I had twitching in my left hand thumb pad for weeks all day. It's gone now... just one of those things :shrug:

Positive thoughts

Really? Makes me feel better! Lol sorry to feel better on your twitch but yea it can be annoying to say the least

26-08-19, 16:16
Totally did not want to delete what I just wrote... Ment to edit it anyway

Side oh hand is still twitching... Not 24/7 but on n off all day
Now the left thumb pad... My original twitch started again also.. Can almost feel when it's gonna twitch.. Feels like a funny bone feeling.. Especially at night gets very tingly like it going to sleep
That's also not 24/7 but now I been obsessing with it n watching... Yea bad idea

Half of me wants to go back to the Dr. But don't want to cause unnecessary anxiety either

26-08-19, 16:22
That really does sound like cubital tunnel to me.