View Full Version : Need to see a Gp after scan?!?

17-08-19, 15:28
Hi. I went to see a Gp couple weeks ago, because my period is irregular for 6 months now. She send me for some blood test and to do transvaginal scan. I called to get a blood test resuls and receptionist said fine. But yesterday I received call from the surgery to book app with a Gp. So it means the scan reveal something wrong. I am so worried what it can be. Because I was feeling unwell and now scan seems to be abnormal. So worried. Also i realised that something is wrong because they gave me appointment to see gp the following week. When usually the waiting time is about 2 weeks.

17-08-19, 15:35
It doesn't mean something is wrong at all. It is normal to go and see the GP to get results of any tests.

17-08-19, 15:39
But usually if they are fine gp would call back or receptionist would mention that they are fine, but you just need to see a gp. When I asked her why she cant give me a results over the phone as clearly doctor have seen them she said - you just need to be seen by Gp thats why I am calling and need to book you in.

17-08-19, 16:01
Well I guess you will just have to wait and see what the results are - no need to worry though as it could be nothing.

22-08-19, 22:46
You'll be fine.

When it's something bad, they'll always give a "warning shot" by saying "bring someone with you".

Good luck

23-08-19, 00:15
When there was something confusing with my scan I was automatically referred to the gynaecologist. My doctors team only called to tell me that they were were referring me. So perhaps they are calling to say that they’ve found something, but not that it’s anything bad? Or maybe they find nothing and are calling to tell you that too.

No point in working yourself up too much. Just try & distract those nervous thoughts until you see your doctor.