View Full Version : GP caused health anxiety to escalate

17-08-19, 16:54
Hey there,

So my GP has not always been the best, but the most recent interactions with them has proven that it's time I bite the bullet and go find a new one even if I'll be travelling another 15 mins on top.

I went to the GP a few times this week, mainly because I had a couple of separate issues (ofc they only allow one problem per appointment), and as a chronic illness sufferer sometimes it's hard for me to figure out what my symptoms are relating to or why. I was recently put on antibiotics for a UTI (but the UTI hadn't been clearing and my kidney, stomach, nausea and back pain was gradually worsening so I was a bit concerned it had progressed into a kidney infection, so I went to see the GP in person, told by a different person on the phone to bring in a sample and get it dipped. I knew this was probably useless as being on antibiotics nothing would show up anyway but I was having severe abdominal cramping and nausea as well as pelvic pain so I thought perhaps she would do a stomach examination. Firstly, she refused to do that and then when I explained the combination of my symptoms (keeping in mind I have GERD, a bladder condition, and ulcerative colitis and wanted to verify whether they were related) she then decided there and then that I apparently have PID. She refused to prescribe anything but the antibiotics for PID, even after I said I was worried my UTI had progressed to the kidneys.

Now never in my history so far have I been told this is likely, and I'm not sexually active right now, the last time I had intercourse was over two years ago. I am aware maybe that PID can have other unrelated causes, but is generally caused by sexual contact, and even then the last time I had sex without a condom was over 5 years ago.

So now I've got all these thoughts floating in my head about how I've had a festering infection (that she did no examination for btw, not even an inspection, asking any questions, just based on me saying my symptoms mentioned) in my uterus that has probably destroyed my body by now... not to mention now I may still have a kidney infection and some VERY strong antibiotics to take that I have no evidence of PID to take them for. I can't say I'm too happy to take antibiotics for something I don't have, so this has caused me to have to go to a GUM clinic just so I can clear my conscience and anxiety about this, but at the same time I was in a state last night worrying about the possible kidney infection and the lack of help from the doctors in this country.

For the record, I have recurring UTIs due to a high-tone non relaxing sphincter and bad flow rate as well as trigonitis, so it's sometimes hard for me to tell when it's a UTI or just part of my condition :weep:

Anyway, I just wanted to vent as my health anxiety has gone through the roof after 6 months of good progress and I can't believe it's all because of a GP diagnosing something based on symptoms which could be anything else. Thanks for understanding, as it's been a difficult month and I just wanted to open up somewhere where I might be understood.

17-08-19, 17:29
Wow. I usually back docs on here, but I agree this doesn't sound good and I'm not surprised it's made you feel anxious. Is there anything you can think of which would have led your GP to suspect PID? (Not asking you to post it if it's personal, just wondering). If it's just due to pelvic pain, that doesn't seem like a very thorough diagnosis to me, especially given your other conditions and an array of causes for pelvic cramps and nausea, not to mention lack of examination. I agree, sounds like it's time for a new GP. I'm sorry you've had this experience and hope you have more luck at a new surgery.

18-08-19, 14:20
Thanks! I don't know why she made that assumption or jumped to that conclusion, I'm not sure she even looked at my previous conditions, and it was only because I mentioned all the symptoms I was currently suffering with based on my gastric problems (from stopping and restarting meds recently), nausea, back pain and pelvic discomfort due to the UTI/kidney infection, as well as possible abdominal cramping due to the antibiotics (plus I suffer from UC and IBS so sometimes I just have abdo pain regardless lol)

She didn't wanna even feel my abdomen or pelvis, nor did she even give a pelvic examination... I did mention I had a foul smell (possibly from UTI, or maybe BV) but that hadn't been there for more than a few days tbh. So idk if she concluded this based on that. She can't really confirm much without giving a physical exam tho in my opinion haha.

Either way, have made an appointment at the GUM clinic to get checked for my own peace of mind, even though I had pelvic exams with a passion as they really hurt me.

I hope I can find a doctor who will give better care overall! Thanks for your reply :)