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20-09-07, 11:40
Please could somebody advise me as I'm climbing the walls :weep:

This morning I was bent over putting my daughter Laura's lunch money into her schoolbag when I heard a very loud crack and had extreme pain around the top of my left hip, lower back area. This happened at 7.15am and it is now 11.40am and it hasnt eased any :weep: I've taken a painkiller which hasnt worked and I'm now self diagnosing and feel sick with nerves. I can move around so thats a good sign but the pain is still there. I'm scared to ring doctor in case he asks me to pop into surgery or go for xray. If I try to straighten my back it's very painful. I remind myself of the way my poor dad walked before he died with lung cancer and I'm freaking out :weep: xxxxx

20-09-07, 11:54
Hey Mandy, :)

I've had loads of probs with my back , so i can understand how your feeling. The fact that you heard a loud crack suggests to me that you've pulled something the wrong way, my back cracks constantly and the physio told me it was nothing to worry about. It can take a build up of anti inflammatories a while to help with the pain , but if it doesn't ease i would go and see the doc, its not worth sitting worrying about it as us folk with HA do, its better to get it checked and put the mind at rest, but im sure its nothing serious, if something has moved etc you'll be refferred to a physio and they're great. Try to keep moving as well it does help, and stops you from stiffening up, hope you feel better, and let us know whats happening and dont worry ( wish i could take my own advice ..........)

shirley xx

20-09-07, 11:56
:hugs: Shirley thank you for replying hun you have no idea how much your words of wisdom helped me :hugs: xxxxx

20-09-07, 12:43

I agree with Shirley and it sounds as if you have pulled something, which is so easy to do. Try doing some stretching exercises and see if that helps.

Don't sit and think of all the worst case senarios or you will be answering to me lol

If the pain doesn't ease just give the doc a call as he will be able to just put your mind at rest and give you something for the pain

:hugs: :hugs:
Trac xxx

20-09-07, 12:53
Mandy me darlin,

I did something similar about 7 months ago now, I yawned and when i did, my jaw gave an almighty crack, like you, i was imagining all sorts and was too afraid to do to the doctor, the pain was a nightmare and i was in agony for about 5 days. Day by day it slowly eased and within about 10 days, was back to normal.

Chances are hun, you've done the same thing as me and pulled something in the wrong direction and these things too tent to take a few days to ease off, so please don't panic. It won't be anything serious.

Get yourself some deep heat or ralgex and see if that soothes it a bit.

take care Moo Moo
woot woot
Love Lisa

20-09-07, 13:25
mandy hun........aw sorry ya hurt ya back hun, as you know i suffer with tremendous back issues.........like others said...you defenetly pulled ya back hun....your back will crack pop .....but ya just need to rest ok what ya need to do is put ice on it for 15 minutes then heat 15 minutes and repeat yes repeat :)...ive been to physical therapy many times for this i know ice sounds horrid and i hated till i realized it did help takes the swelling down also if you have ibufrofin....and if you feel it in that leg also its just all part of that area if ya do.....i wish you well my friend....i be thinking of ya......love ya..........linda xxxxxxxx

20-09-07, 13:28
Hi Mandy

Sounds to me like you have pulled a muscle hun, Maybe taking paracetamol would help, or could you ring your local pharmacy for advice. Another suggestion is a nice warm bath to relax your muscles. Hope you feel better soon :hugs: :hugs:


20-09-07, 15:15
You lovely people :hugs: :hugs: :hugs: I went to the chemist and bought a heat pad that straps round my back and gives continous heat for 8 hours :yesyes: I now look like the hunchback of notre dam only me humps slid a bit lol. Thank you guys where would we all be without each other to turn to eh :hugs: I want to say a big thank you to Nibbles for listening to me earlier :hugs: xxxxx

20-09-07, 15:26
dont forget the ice women.......very important :)...........and ibuprofin its for the pain and imflamation.........love ya .........linda

20-09-07, 15:55
Mandy i hope your heat pad works m'darlin. If not then try a tripple vodka on the rocks :winks:, Bet ya anything that would shift it lol.

Talk to ye soon mate
Love Lisa

20-09-07, 15:57
Hi Mandy

Hope you are feeling better now. Go and have a nice soak in the bath.

20-09-07, 19:23
Hope it's easing abit now love.


20-09-07, 19:34

What are you like:winks:

Hope you feel better soon mate :hugs: :hugs:

20-09-07, 20:02
:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: Mandy

Luv Kaz x x x

20-09-07, 22:02
Ouch :hugs:

Hope your feeling better soon hun

anx xx :hugs:

21-09-07, 00:21
I made me own medication this evening lol I mixed vodka with coke and a wee bit of ice oh and I had me belt on with the heat and 3 nieces that were all over 21 so me feels better now :yesyes: thanks lovely people yer all fab. xxxxx

P.S. My name is Mandy..... lol. xxxxx

21-09-07, 08:20
How is the back today mate ?? or should I ask how is the head lol


Trac xxx

21-09-07, 08:24
Lol Trac hun :hugs: I'm daft as a brush me hope I didn't talk too much crap to you last night hun :D My back has eased a bit today I think my own medication last night did the trick :yesyes: lol xxx

21-09-07, 11:00

So you took my advice regarding the vody!? Ain't it funny how alcohol always makes things better, i recon they we should all be able to get it free on the NHS.
(MAKES A MENTAL NOTE.....write to that prime minister blokey that tries to run the country and ask him why the ekk we don't get booze on the NHS on behalf of me good mate mandy woot woot)

Glad you feeling a bit better today gal!
talk soon
love Lisa
xxxxxx :flowers:

21-09-07, 11:04
Hey Mandy ,

Good to hear that your feeling better, meant to say that the physio told me that you should always ice first, but im glad that the heat has worked for you ..............take care

shirley xx

21-09-07, 11:44
Awwwwwwwwww my Mandy.

I'm sorry you hurt yourself. It isn't what your silly (and I mean this in the most kindest way lol) mind is telling you it is.

I have literally hurt my back from dusting a piece of furniture before..and that one scared me bad. It's so easy to pull something in that area, and you know we're no spring chickens anymore:D

You just rest hun, and make sure to take something for the swelling. Rest your mind and your back!!!!

21-09-07, 12:17
Mandy How Ya Feeling ...i Said Ice On Ya Back Not In Ya Vodka..........dopey Irsh Women You........hope Ya Feel Better Today......love Ya..........linda Xxx

21-09-07, 17:36
Mandy hun,

I don't know if this has already been said but I was advised by doc to treat pain such as you describe with anti inflammatories, but to treat the ani inflammatories like a course of anti biotics ie take them every four or six hours, for 5 days ,whether the pain is there or not, as they build up in your system.

I have just read back...and realised you are feeling a bit better...oops late again:blush:


21-09-07, 22:12
Linda you didn't tell me where to put the ice babe so me put it in me voddy lolol. xxx

Happy huge:hugs: xxx

Granny Primark
21-09-07, 22:25
lol mandy
I never read health anxiety, just hope your feeling better mandy.

Take care

22-09-07, 08:48
Sorry about your back sweetie i hope your feeling better now! Even if you didn't put the ice in the right place! LOL

BIGhttp://s.mynicespace.com/myspacepic/39/3901.gif Hun,

Take Care,

Love Pip's X X X X

22-09-07, 12:55
yes i did tell you mrs mandy tart............you just forget........what am i gonna do with you....love ya..........linda xxx

22-09-07, 23:30
Hi Mandy

Hope ya back is much better today!!:hugs:


23-09-07, 14:32
Hey Mandy.

Sorry you've had a bad back - need to borrow my hump? I see you've got your own now!

Hope you're feeling better xxx