View Full Version : Can somebody please tell me if they’ve every had this....

17-08-19, 20:31
I was just sitting on the sofa watching T.V when I suddenly felt really anxious & funny. The adrenaline surges kept coming one after another and it felt like I was going to die! I tried to distract myself by looking at my phone but it just didn’t help. I then felt this huge rush of warmth, my eyes went funny and I had a woozy/rush of dizziness in my head.

I’m now lying down by my body has stated aching and I’m left with a sort of dizzy/woozy head.

I really can’t stand this anymore!!!! Why is this happening!?!? I’ve had loads of tests and everything is fine!! I just can’t stand this anxiety anymore, sometimes feels like I’m stuck in constant fight or flight!!

17-08-19, 23:35
To me it sounds like a textbook panic attack to me.

Have you had a look at the CBT4panic that we endorse on here? it is completely free.


21-08-19, 16:01
Thanks for the link. I’ve had CBT counselling in the past but I think maybe I need some more.

24-08-19, 08:27
Hello, yes I've had exactly the same feelings, in fact if I ever have a panic attack it now manifests like that. Before my panic attacks used to be shortness of breath, tachi etc but not any longer, now they are like you said.

24-08-19, 21:55
Yup. I have this every other day. I'm used to panic attacks now and can ride them out. Although they are scary just know that you're like many of us here and you're ok. That helps me. It's so hard to remain calm and focused during a nasty panic attack. Just tell yourself "This is anxiety. I will not die. This will last at max 30 minutes before it calms down". I lie my head on a pillow and try to focus on the kindle, or put something on youtube. Every time without fail at some point I will relax and calm.

Exercise helps me. I will do a 30 minute session almost daily to force my heart to pound. Then when I've finish I start to feel my heart slow and I tell myself "Look, your resting heart rate is normal after exercise you're fine". This means when I have a panic attack I can tell myself "You do workouts all the time and a fast heart rate has never been a problem so it's not going to kill me during a panic attack".

The less you worry, the less they happen. Or at least the easier they become to deal with and live with.