View Full Version : Tongue bleeding a little after eating pizza

18-08-19, 00:08
Last night I was eating a thin crust pizza, one of those ones where the crust is all crispy like a cracker. Afterwards, I discovered a tiny spot on top of my tongue, near the tip, was bleeding. It was just a little bit, and stopped after a few minutes. It hasn't bled anymore today, and all I see in that area is a papilla (one of those tastebud looking things) that is redder than the rest. I've never had anything like this happen before. I just saw my dentist in June, and he did an oral cancer exam, as he always does, and said I was fine. I'm wondering if the crust gave me a tiny cut or scrape. Has anyone ever had that happen? I'll give my dentist a call on Monday.

18-08-19, 00:34
Don’t call the dentist. It’s just a small irritation. Rinse with an antiseptic mouth wash. You’ll be fine.

18-08-19, 10:05
Saliva is antiseptic. You don't need to rinse it with anything. This is worrying over nothing. Sharp food, tiny cut that bled for a couple of minutes. Cause and effect...move on and give it no more thought.

18-08-19, 16:27
Thanks, AntsyVee and Ankietyjoe. That makes sense, there's just that part of me that thinks "but that's never happened before". I'll stick to softer foods over the weekend and see what it looks like on Monday.

19-08-19, 01:33
Just part of life. My dogs' tongues are always getting cut or nicked from various sharp bits on their food. It happens to us once in a while too. Nothing to worry about.

19-08-19, 07:00
Hi, I get this all the time with sharp food, painful and annoying but not serious.