View Full Version : Can’t switch off

Dan Wales
18-08-19, 02:29
I can’t switch off I keep thinking about all the bad things, all I want to do is relax but I can’t.

18-08-19, 16:51
I feel your pain this is my issue too. I'm just starting out with meditation it maybe something to try.
My mind is constantly on the go dramatising everything and anything. I overthink most things and cause myself to feel Ill and feed the anxiety at the same time. You are not alone xx

18-08-19, 17:49
I’m having the same kind of day here. Stressing all day, convinced jmngoign to get a terminal diagnosis any day now and won’t see my little boy grow up. Hate this feeling x

19-08-19, 10:24
The mind is a strange thing. I try and rationalize everything thing I think. It's so hard to do but I find if I think really hard why I was thinking that what are they symptoms etc then it helps make me think. Hope that makes sense xx

Dan Wales
19-08-19, 22:17
Today is even worse I need my brain to stop all these stressful thoughts

20-08-19, 01:41
Camomile tea with a big gulp on honey helps me to relax when the brain is on overtime [emoji3447] [emoji518]
I always stress out before I get into bed — Silly brain.

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Dan Wales
20-08-19, 09:24
Thanks Night cat I will try that.