View Full Version : Health anxiety - loss of appetite & weight loss

20-08-19, 19:35
Has anyone ever had weight loss as a result of their anxiety? I'm currently battling a major bout of health anxiety and GAD and have recently lost my appetite and think I have lost some weight, although family say I look exactly the same. I'm terrified to weigh myself in case I have lost any weight which I believe may be a sign of cancer. I'm absolutely terrified. I've been trying to force down breakfast and lunch to ensure I don't make myself more ill. Currently waiting on CBT and counselling but would be so grateful to hear if anyone else has had weight loss as a result of their anxiety as it just doesn't seem plausible at the moment...

Thank you.

Dan Wales
20-08-19, 19:46
Hi Dan 21 Anxiety can make us loose our appetite, I once went days with out eating but that’s not wise. You must eat. If you think you have cancer you should see your gp. Hopefully it’s not cancer.

20-08-19, 20:18
Thank you Dan, yes, I have been to the GP. My problem is that I feel like I'm losing a little weight but don't want to weigh myself as I know i'll become even more fixated on it. I went to the GP with other symptoms that she wasn't particularly concerned about. The GP asked me whether I had lost any weight (which I didn't think I had at the time) but I'm now starting to doubt myself. This is making me even more anxious than I already was.

20-08-19, 21:15
When i'm anxious the weight just drops off me, whether I'm eating normally of not! It's always been one of the things that make the anxiety worse, which in turn leads to more weight loss and around & around it goes!!!

20-08-19, 23:16
It's common. I've had dramatic weight loss three times with stress or anxiety. The most recent one I lost 25lbs in 6 weeks.

If you're not eating and you think your weight loss is because of cancer, you might need to think a little bit more about cause and effect. There are no 'ifs' or 'buts' here. You don't eat, you lose weight.

bin tenn
21-08-19, 02:18
My appetite doesn't typically (but sometimes can) change much even with severe episodes of anxiety. Even so, I tend to drop a few pounds during that time, and it takes a while to gain it back.

21-08-19, 13:15
Have woke up this morning absolutely freaking out about this. Have absolutely zero appetite but also know this could be because I'm so worried. I know I have to eat so am going to try and force something down - terrified to get on the scales.

21-08-19, 13:49
If you're not eating, you're going to lose weight. That's a given. I had rather a sh*tty time this time last year; a combination of a long-term break up and a changed mole on my back. I didn't eat properly for about a month. In that time frame I went from 13st4 to 12st2. That's a lot of weight to lose in such a short period.

I didn't have anything nasty underlying, I simply wasn't eating due to anxiety. And I lost weight.

If you're concerned about losing weight, stock up on high-calorie shakes to consume.

21-08-19, 13:51
PS: When people lose weight due to an underlying illness (I'm guessing you're worried about bowel cancer) their appetite is normal. The nutrients aren't being absorbed, or (for example with cancer of the oesophagus, they have a normal appetite but every time they eat, it gets stuck and they're vomiting it back up)

This is just your anxiety playing up

21-08-19, 18:28
Thank you for the replies...its really appreciated and helps me try to get some perspective. I've had some fruit for breakfast and a little chicken and potatoes for lunch. Dont really feel like anything else but will try and eat something this evening. Desperately trying to convince myself this is anxiety related. Waiting to hear back for dates on my CBT and counselling sessions which I know I desperately need. Feel emotionally and physically drained.

PS: I'm guessing you're worried about bowel cancer

GaGa - I'm just worried about cancer all the time - regardless of what type. I've no screaming symptoms (struggling with lower back ache but had this checked out by docs who have referred me to the physio) other than low appetite and feelings of exhaustion. I suffer awfully with GAD and Health Anxiety, although I've been referred to counselling to try and deal with some berevement issues that seem to have resurfaced after my Dad's death some years ago. I'm regularly breaking down in fits of emotion so something isn't right and the fear of losing weight is just adding to the anxiety.