View Full Version : Panicking over 15 yr old daughter 😢

always scared
20-08-19, 20:00
My 15 year old daughter woke up with a painful breast lump and my HA is out of control. Please someone talk me down from this crazy panic I'm feeling right now. The more I read the I start to worry 😭

20-08-19, 20:06
There is absolutely no value in reading online about painful breast lumps. Take here to be checked out asap. It's most (by far) likely to be benign, especially at her age.

always scared
20-08-19, 21:18
There is absolutely no value in reading online about painful breast lumps. Take here to be checked out asap. It's most (by far) likely to be benign, especially at her age. We're on holidays

always scared
20-08-19, 21:29
Anyone ??? We're on vacation and I'm freaking out.

20-08-19, 21:40
Ok, so take her to the doctors when you get home. It doesn't change the fact that reading about it is only going to freak you out more, you're feeding your own anxiety.

At her age the chances of it being anything serious are virtually zero.

20-08-19, 22:49
It could be a cyst, boil, spot or anything else apart from cancer. Could just be normal breast development. We have no way of knowing.

Wait till you get home then see a doctor if it is no better.

20-08-19, 23:01
When my daughter was that age, painful breasts were a very common complaint. I can't speak to the lump, but there is little you can do unless you feel it is an emergency, in which case, take her to the local hospital. It could be fine tomorrow.

23-08-19, 02:02
The odds of breast cancer at her age are probably one in a billion. The development of Benign breast lumps are extremely common during periods of hormonal change; puberty, pregnancy, menopause.

24-08-19, 08:10
A friend of mine gets cysts on her breasts from time to time and has been getting them since her late teens (I think she was around 18 the first time she had one), like others have said at 15 there are so many things that it could be but cancer is very much not likely to be one of them, how is she doing now?

always scared
26-08-19, 16:53
A friend of mine gets cysts on her breasts from time to time and has been getting them since her late teens (I think she was around 18 the first time she had one), like others have said at 15 there are so many things that it could be but cancer is very much not likely to be one of them, how is she doing now?

Thanks for your reply. She's doing a little better now. The pain is gone and the lump is seems to be getting a little smaller. Hopefully it goes away soon. We're still on vacation. I'm really hoping that the lump totally goes away by next week. I'm slowly losing my mind with all this worry. I also have my uncle in the hospital for a biopsy of the liver/pancreas . So scared with worry for everyone and myself. HA SUCKS!!:scared15::wacko::weep: