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View Full Version : Rabies fears for years

21-08-19, 00:46
Hi pals,

Long time lurker here (2yrs and counting!) first time posting as I am at my wit's end. A week and a half ago I was waiting at a bus stop under a bridge in London in the evening when I felt some dropping sensation on my backpack. I looked up and could see no water falling, but then got pain the back of my neck, like someone was pulling on my neck hair. It happened a couple of times then and once on my walk back to my flat later. I felt the back of my neck on the last pang of pain, but not the first two, which was foolish of me.

Thought nothing of it at the time, but I am moving jobs soon so my anxiety has gone haywire. I have convinced myself since that a rabid bat fell on my backpack, crawled up my bag and bit me a few times.

I got examined by a doctor, and spoke to two more and a nurse - all of which said I was fine and could see no bite marks. I stupidly then consulted Dr Google who said bat bites are 'often felt, rarely seen'. I was doing so well with my health anxiety but this has sent me totally spiralling. I can't sleep and can barely eat as I am waiting for the symptoms to start and to die :(

Any shared experience/chats would be much appreciated.

Huge love <3

21-08-19, 01:36
I have convinced myself since that a rabid bat fell on my backpack, crawled up my bag and bit me a few times.

Ninja Bat strikes again!


Positive thoughts

21-08-19, 02:04
Hello, and welcome.

Due to the number of rabid bat worries on here, I had a little read about rabies and ninja bats. According to the gov.uk site, there has been 1 documented case of rabies from a bat in the UK. Just one. Ever. The victim had a lot of bites. Other than that, the last case of rabies acquired in the UK was in 1902. You've got the all clear from the doctor. Please don't spend another moment worrying about this. Good luck in your new job.

22-08-19, 04:57
Not to be rude but it was kind of funny as to how your imagination got you to the story you just told us. Like please re-read what you stated, a bat falling down on your backpack without you noticing, crawling up your backpack without you noticing, biting you a few times without you or anyone else noticing, and then magically disappearing? With that logic, you can win the lottery 600 times in a row. Like I understand the rabies fear, been there and gone through it, but I realized how foolish I was being and you should too. Literally don’t worry about rabies, like get over it. It’s one of the scariest viruses ever but you got to realize that people in 3rd world countries actually die in huge numbers because of it. If these people don’t waste their time worrying, and 50,000 people get rabies in their country yearly, why would you? There’s been almost no rabies case in both the UK and US in a while, and when people get bitten, they usually know unless they were asleep. Rabid bats aren’t here to bite you and run away, if they bite you, they’re going to continue doing it. This fear will drive you sick, especially if you don’t take care of your health by sleeping and eating properly. Get yourself together, and stop fearing ninja bats...Best of luck! :)

25-08-19, 20:54
Thanks pals <3 I am doing better now