View Full Version : Worrying spots on my chest?

21-08-19, 19:32
I have three red spots on my chest. Two are on the left side and one is on the far right

They're like, very noticeably red, and bleed when I scratch them but no "pus" (sorry, disgusting) comes out which makes me think they're not just normal spots

What if it's skin cancer? The fact that I have three in different locations on my chest is reassuring but that can still happen with cancer, right?

I'm really freaking out

21-08-19, 19:35
Only a GP or dermatologist could say for sure but... When spots are in the early stages, there usually isn't much, if any, pus...

21-08-19, 19:43

It sounds like you are looking for things now and trying to justify that you really do have cancer and we were all wrong.

21-08-19, 21:05
Toby, you're being ridiculous. Find a new hobby.

21-08-19, 21:48
Why are you spending so much time examining yourself? Is this what's taken the place of googling? What interests you? What do you enjoy? You really would benefit from something to distract you

21-08-19, 22:09
100% agree with you swan, this has gone on too long now and there`s one and only one person who can improve Tobys outlook and life in general and that`s dear old Toby

rectal cancer, leukaemia, skin cancer, metastasised cancer, roll up roll up we`ve got `em all, come for rectal cancer and I`ll throw in lung cancer for free

Toby please see the farcical nature of your posting constantly, I`ve been there and done it, don`t waste large portions of your life counting heartbeats, or avoiding situations in case you drop dead like I used to.

read over your vast library of questions and answers and although some people like me may not pat you on the head and say nice things, I only answer because I care and know what an utterly miserable existence you can have.

I truly wish you the best, you can believe that or not it won`t affect my happy life one jot, but this is no way for you to live.

Really try to engage with life, we`re here once so try and do things you like.

22-08-19, 02:15

Have you ever looked at threads by people like Darkside? What do you see? Have you seen how many different kinds of deadly cancers he has been convinced he has had over the past couple of years?

Please talk to your therapist about what has happened here today. They can work with you to devise strategies for when these thoughts come. It will take time to deal with it but raising threads on here is reassurance seeking.

Something you have mentioned many a time on your long running thread is that you have a real issue and you think it needs attention. I imagine we all disagree on that as we don't see what you do but the point I want you to consider here is what you have just asked us is not a long running issue. It's a few spots on the skin that have just appeared. There are likely root causes, and we have discussed them on the other thread, but your body will get blemishes appearing all through your life and you don't want to be creating a thread asking people on the internet about what happens to billions of people across the world every day. You can't justify this as a real issue to you because it is new, not a long running symptom.