View Full Version : Hi Everyone

20-09-07, 19:15
Hi, Im Chris, 37 and an Anxiety sufferer. Have been suffering since I was 26 and it has changed as I have changed with age. I am currently not on medication (although there are times when I seriously want one). I am also a diagnosed Hypochondriac and spend most of my day worrying about illness and death. I stumbled across this site whislt google'in symptoms and i'm glad I did.

20-09-07, 19:17
Hi Chris

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)


20-09-07, 19:30
Hi Chris

Love the forum name

:welcome: aboard and hope we can be of some help.

20-09-07, 19:34

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends

Take care

Trac xx

20-09-07, 20:18
Thanks for all the welcomes. I hope my experiences etc etc will prove useful to other sufferers.

20-09-07, 20:25
Hello ironmysox (lol!) got to say I've never ironed one in me life !!:blush:

:welcome:to you!

Glad you found us, and I'm sure you'll be of great help to us as well as receiving support yourself.

Pleased to meet you!


20-09-07, 20:58
Hello Chris And Welcome........linda

20-09-07, 21:01
Hi Chris and :welcome:

You'll get loads of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

20-09-07, 21:55
Hello Chris,

A very warm :welcome: to you.

21-09-07, 01:15
Thank you for the welcomes . . . Glad to be onboard

21-09-07, 01:17
Hi Chris,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

The Fool
21-09-07, 07:43
HIYA!!!!!!! welcome to the site :welcome: if you ever need help and dont no what to do :shrug: . dont worry :unsure: and dony be shy :blush: just come to us and we will help you! HURAYYY!!:yesyes:

(by the way that was supost to ryme but im hopeless at poems)

21-09-07, 16:13
Hi Chris,

Welcome to the site. You will find many here who feel like you do and will also find support.



22-09-07, 18:15
HI Chris :D

Welcome to NMP, yes its good u come across this site, because u will get so much help here and meet lots of good friends, we r all in the same boat, and help each other.

Keep smiling & Good luck


23-09-07, 01:46
Such a great welcome. It's really good to know that there are so many people ready to help with this, and I will help where ever I can. I have had a terrible day today, stomach in a knot, impending doom thoughts, feelin like im battling against my stomach for room to breath inside me . . Taken my blood pressure 6 times . .


I sat calm, and read post after post here and although I still feel rough, im not anxious now. So much information its fantastic.

Thank you all :yesyes: