View Full Version : C Diff from 2-3 days of Amoxicillin?

22-08-19, 02:37
I am a 30 y/o otherwise healthy male who was misdiagnosed for a bacterial infection and prescribed 500mg amoxicillin 3x daily. I took them for two days plus a single dose on the third. On the third day, I received a second opinion that confirmed the issue was not bacterial, and was instructed to stop the antibiotics. Each of the three days in the two days since I consumed yogurt and/or a probiotic capsule. Other than some mild abdominal discomfort, I have had no GI issues.

I recently learned about c-diff and am most afraid of the increased risk of it due to recent antibiotics, which can elevate the risk for weeks/months. I am afraid to touch anything/anyone in public or go out to eat now as a result.

My crippling fears of the flu will start around Thanksgiving, but this consume most of thoughts for the majority of the time in between.

Am I at a high risk given the mild nature of the antibiotics and the short duration of the course? Is there anything I can do to reduce my risks further?

I am in therapy for my anxiety, which has decreased in many regards other than health, and am new to the forum.


22-08-19, 14:43
Hello there,

I had C Diff three and half years ago from a long course of the 2 most offending antibiotics: Clindamycin and Amoxicillin. One after another, and like you, I was misdiagnosed. A month later, my issues started and I was diagnosed with C Diff. Before that, I had never heard about C DIff. Thank God, it was successfully treated, but three and a half years later, I still have PTSD from it, and my fear of contamination turned into horrible OCD. Anyway, it is most likely that you will NOT get it. If I were you, I would start FLORASTOR probiotic in the morning, and in the evening, because, it has been clinically proven to take up the space in the gut thus not allowing C Diff bacteria to feel at home. It is one of the rare probiotics which was studies specifically against C Diff Do not worry, but take Florastor for a month. I believe you will be fine, especially because you are young, and also , for some strange reason, ( also clinically proven), it affects women more than men. Best of luck to you.

24-08-19, 04:37
Unfortunately, I’ve now experienced a bout of diarrhea - 3.5 days after stopping the amoxicillin.

To say I am distraught is an understatement. I have a pregnant wife who I absolutely do not want to spread this to. I want to be there, healthy and well, for my son when he is born.

If the next bowel movement is not diarrhea, is that a good sign?


24-08-19, 10:06
Unfortunately, I’ve now experienced a bout of diarrhea - 3.5 days after stopping the amoxicillin.

To say I am distraught is an understatement. I have a pregnant wife who I absolutely do not want to spread this to. I want to be there, healthy and well, for my son when he is born.

If the next bowel movement is not diarrhea, is that a good sign?


Antibiotics are renowned for causing intestinal issues that aren’t C-Diff. Just because you’ve had an upset stomach with them doesn’t mean there’s anything you can pass to your wife.

Positive vibes,


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26-08-19, 03:36
Diarrhea is extremely common with antibiotics and c diff is rare. I had heinous diarrhea for 3 straight days a week after finishing an antibiotic last year and I was sure it was c diff. I was bed ridden it was so bad. My doctor was ready to bring me in for a test, but then it stopped. Not c diff. That being said, my doctor also recommends taking a probiotic throughout a course of antibiotics and for 2 weeks following. So, I'd go with the above recommendation of Florastor as I've also heard it's a good one for antibiotics. But, my doctor recommended one called Align, which I also like.

26-08-19, 12:51
I’ve had C Diff three times. You would know pretty quick if you had it. A few bouts of diarrhea is probably nothing. Every time I had it I knew it wasn’t “normal” diarrhea. It has a very distinct smell (think barnyard sickly sweet odor). Most of the time it has blood and mucus in it and you just know something is wrong. I was going 30-40 times a day until they got it slowed down too. This is why I say you’ll know. Everybody is different but most often it’s relentless and you’ll just feel awful. Hopefully you’re better by now though. Also, just FYI, proper hand washing is the best way to prevent C Diff from spreading.