View Full Version : What would you do?

22-08-19, 11:07
If you had bowel concerns that you feel are not being addressed by the GP services. I’m tempted to get a referral letter from a private gp and have a colonoscopy. But feel so scared.

22-08-19, 11:09
How many GPs have you seen? Do you think your health anxiety is influencing your thought patterns?

22-08-19, 11:29
I don’t know anymore. I’m getting cramps and diarrhea out of nowhere, random bouts. Feel like they’re not taking me seriously. I’m 38.

Said it’s probably ibs but I thought they have to use an exclusion technique before coming to that conclusion.

22-08-19, 11:31
It also depends on your age and other symptoms. I get random cramps and diarrhoea every few weeks; as far as I can tell it's a combination of stress and possibly food intolerances. It's a nuisance, but after well over twenty years it doesn't bother me any more.

22-08-19, 11:34
I just keep thinking what if... I have a little boy. What if not doing anything means I don’t catch the big C in time? I know I do suffer with anaemia too, I have Lyme disease so I always thoughts it’s because of that and being a vegetarian

22-08-19, 11:36
What would you do?

Probably add this to one of the other bowel issue threads you started and talk to the doctor about getting help for your anxiety :whistles:

Positive thoughts

22-08-19, 11:38
Also, and I know this is petty, I wish people would stop implying their lives have greater value or meaning because they have kids.

The rest of us have hopes and dreams and achievements, too.

22-08-19, 11:51
Yeah it’s petty I’m not saying my life is more important but that’s my thing, everyone has their own thing I guess

22-08-19, 14:02
Does it have any pattern? Perhaps keep a diary of when it happens. I'll tend to get an upset stomach if I have a change in eating or alcohol intake, too much dairy, with anxiety or due to periods.
I think having children gives your life a different meaning, and lots of people worry more about their health due to their feelings of needing to be there for their kids. I haven't got kids but I've seen it with friends and family, and also on here. I can understand that.
Sorry, I digress. What would I do? I'd try to figure out when it happens, whether my anxiety was at the root of it, and whether I genuinely needed a second opinion. If so, I'd be inclined to see a different GP and ask for a referral if they think it's indicated.

22-08-19, 14:32
I just keep thinking what if... I have a little boy. What if

There is the biggest indicator of what is going on. To be fair to your current doctor, you could see the preeminent gastroenterologist in the world, and ultimately not be satisfied with his answer until you can address catastrophic thinking.

The line of thinking in evidence in this sentence indicated the anxiety is still very powerful for you, and that alone can cause the very physical symptoms you have.

22-08-19, 16:58
Thanks both, the only link I can make and I do believe it’s a weak link is I will have consumed some form of dairy. But there are so so so many other times I eat dairy and I’m fine that I’m not sure if it’s a link.

22-08-19, 17:03
You’re right in that my anxiety is driving the thoughts for sure, I’ve lost too many people in my life. I almost don’t know how else to think??

22-08-19, 17:15
I'm really sorry, and I'm sorry I was insensitive. This must be very tough for you. To judge by all the testing you've had done, though, it seems incredibly unlikely that there's anything wrong.

I know it doesn't help, but with determination you can come back from the anxiety.

22-08-19, 17:28
I have a similar issue with dairy, which ironically came about after cutting it out around a decade ago. Mostly I'm fine with cheese and yogurt, and not so fine with milk and cream. I looked into it a bit and apparently you can become mildly lactose intolerant after cutting it out, and milk/cream has more lactose than cheese/yogurt. I guess you can build up tolerance by eating more of it. I usually know what I can eat now, but woe betide me if I dare to eat a creamy pasta sauce in a restaurant! Seriously though, it is worth a thought. For me it can happen within half an hour of eating said cream. Other times I can be totally fine. Cooked creamy sauces are worse for me than straight up cream. Not a clue why. Do also see if you think it could be linked to your cycle.
I'm sorry to hear you've suffered losses and I am sure that contributes to how you're feeling. Have you had any therapy?

22-08-19, 18:04
I do need therapy and will look into this once this is all resolved. I just need some closure on this. Would colon cancer symptoms come and go like this. I was fine for the last 6 weeks and actually feeling ok until yesterday.

22-08-19, 18:44
I do need therapy and will look into this once this is all resolved. I just need some closure on this. Would colon cancer symptoms come and go like this. I was fine for the last 6 weeks and actually feeling ok until yesterday.

As fishmanpa often says “cancer symptoms don’t come and go”.

What has your doctor suggested doing? Have they done any tests at all?

22-08-19, 19:04
Only a stool test for bacteria which was clear

22-08-19, 19:21
I do need therapy and will look into this once this is all resolved. I just need some closure on this. Would colon cancer symptoms come and go like this. I was fine for the last 6 weeks and actually feeling ok until yesterday.

I'm not an expert or a doctor, but my Dad had colon cancer so I saw it up close. His symptoms did not come and go and once he was ill, he was ill. Like many illnesses, people with cancer may get good and bad days, but I'd be very surprised if you got 6 weeks between symptoms if it were a tumour causing them.

I definitely think it would be worth keeping a diary for a few months - what you've eaten and drunk, anxiety levels, and symptoms. You might well find some sort of pattern you've not yet noticed. It would probably be useful for your doctor too, if you decide to proceed with further tests.

22-08-19, 22:49
Thanks so much and I’m sorry to hear about your dad, that must have been tough. Xx

I will start keeping a diary. Maybe avoid dairy for a few weeks and reintroduce. Thanks for your suggestions and support I really do appreciate it so much.