View Full Version : blood clot fear please help?

23-08-19, 01:24
i just watched a video about a guy who sat for 73 hours straight and had severe brain damage from a PE caused by DVT and now it's triggered anxiety in me, i feel every little twinge of pain in my leg, and i'm feeling really anxious. im very fidget-y so i don't sit down for THAT long most days, but there are days where im more sedentary than others. i think i've posted my age before but im actually 19 now (yay happy late bday to me) and i have literally no known history of blood clots or heart issues, or blood flow problems on either side of the family. and yet i STILL worry myself to the point of almost crying over it, please help!

23-08-19, 01:27
So you read something that triggered you which has no basis in reality for you. How can we help when you shot yourself in the foot? You know darn well the deal here ;)

Positive thoughts

23-08-19, 01:29
LMAOOOO i know i know
thing is i had no idea that they were going to talk about it but i thought "i should be fine, lets just hope for the best" and then well, ended up here. LMAO oopsies

23-08-19, 01:30
I've been very active on here the last few days because I had a nose operation on Tuesday, and I've been off work for that reason.

I had to wear compression hosiery during the operation and for 24 hours after to prevent DVT. I'm 26 years old. But my "risk" for DVT was a long surgery under GA. Having said that, I'm still not even slightly worried about a DVT.

But, can I ask, what exactly are your "risks" for DVT? You don't seem to have any in your post, so why exactly are you worried about it?!

23-08-19, 01:32
As soon as I pressed Post Reply, the two posts above appeared! #GreatMindsThinkAlike

23-08-19, 01:38
i'm overweight (i think last time i was weighed i was 240 pounds, 108 kilos for metric friends) and there are a lot of days where im sedentary and don't walk a lot, i mean i walk to do normal human things but other than that i don't do a lot of movement
i know those arent HUGE risk factors but i'm still like "what if you have one and you just dont know it" and i try to convince myself that i don't and that im healthy and okay but it's difficult sometimes, i talked to my therapist about my issues, but i have holidays right now so i can't see her (she's school based) so we haven't really worked on it yet

23-08-19, 01:41
also YEAHHHHHHH i know :( naughty me i shouldn't have done that
usually medical stories involving DVT and things of the sort trigger anxiety in me and i thought i was going to be fine and WELL! look where it landed me lol
i need to be more careful with the things that i watch

10-09-19, 16:09
this morning i'm feeling a weird pain on the side of my knee? it's a weird pain but it's not agonizing, just annoying
but my anxiety is making me think i've got a blood clot, even though there are no other symptoms, just pain
it feels like muscle pain but i'm not sure. am i scared? a little
there's no redness or swelling, and i'm still able to walk proper

10-09-19, 16:14
Sometimes things just ache, there's no need to worry about it and absolutely no reason to believe you have a blood clot.

10-09-19, 16:33
yeah, i've been feeling a lot of little aches n pains in my legs recently, although that's probably just me being hypervigilant
good news is, i see my therapist today!

10-09-19, 16:59
A real close friend of mine has a blood clot problem. She takes medication for it. She has a lot of aches and pains as she is an overweight mother. She doesnt worry about them. According to her, pain from a blood clot is way different than an ordinary ache or pain. It is very severe. The kind of pain you are describing doesnt sound anything like a blood clot. Hope your therapy session goes well today!

20-09-19, 02:36
You should be thankful your blood does clot

Ever heard of dengue fever? It's one of the most painful illnesses yous can imagine. When they verify it with a blood test, you'll survive if your blood clots which is normal. If it di t clot ....