View Full Version : Parkinsons Fear

23-08-19, 07:02
I fear I may have parkinsons. I'm a 35yeqr old male. Hadn't really thought about this tremor/twitching I've had sporadically until I read it was a symtom. I suffer with HA and have done for many years.

I have stiff ankles when I wake up or have been inactive. But what I have noticed is if I'm sat at my desk in work I can put a pen between my finger and thumb sometimes and it will cause my finger to shake back and forth. It's more prominent the lighter I do it. I had noticed that every now and again my index finger will randomly twitch say once a month. But had also noticed that if I had been batting playing cricket if I went off my hand would shake especially if I have gone to get a cup of water.
Last few weeks I had noticed that I was waking up at 3am and not being able to get back to sleep.
Do you think these are all related to HA?
Could it be RSI?
I'm scared as it looks like the pill rolling twitch associated with parkinsons but doesn't tend to happen when my hand are on my lap.

I know I should go to a doctor but I'm so scared I'm struggling to book an appointment.


23-08-19, 09:52
I would say all you mention is more likely to be related to anxiety. Twitching is probably the most common of symptoms along with many others.
There's a lot more to Parkinsons and twitching is not one of the primary symptoms.
My dad had Parkinsons and although there are variations of it, he never twitched.
Poor sleep is another symptom of anxiety. I actually wake up at 3am most mornings and have been doing so for sometime.
If you do manage to see a GP, I have no doubts he will diagnose you with anxiety.
Once you have that confirmed, you can then deal with it.

23-08-19, 15:15
Cheers for reply.

Forgot to add, have all the early symptoms. Stiffness (goes if I start running) , waking up mid night, depression, tired. Twitching thumb and index finger.

Have been sat in a 5 hour meeting trying to make my thumb and finger do the pin rolling tremor. Can feel a tremble in my thumb but it's not going very big or fast.


23-08-19, 17:42
Have been sat in a 5 hour meeting trying to make my thumb and finger do the pin rolling tremor. Can feel a tremble in my thumb but it's not going very big or fast.

Can I ask why you're performing that obsessive self checking behavior? You realize doing something that no one does on any regular basis is sure to cause an abnormal physical response?

Positive thoughts

23-08-19, 20:33
Can I ask why you're performing that obsessive self checking behavior? You realize doing something that no one does on any regular basis is sure to cause an abnormal physical response?

Positive thoughts

I don't know, I really don't. But I popped to my mothers on the way home. And think I may have found my trigger for all of this. End of July I was really stressed with work and ended up taking a weeks holiday. My mother reminded me I Also commented that I think I could feel a HA break down coming due to stress. Low and behold here I am. I'm going to try and ignore the twitching day by day if it's still there in 2 weeks I'll go to doctors.

Fingers crossed anyway

29-08-19, 19:18
Still can't seem to shift it all. So my thumb and finger twitch is my left hand. I now remembered that if I put my hands on my head and sort of stretch my right shoulders goes mad with twitching big and small. I remembered this as I done it today and it happened again. Could this point towards Parkinson's or even ALS? I'm in a bad way wit's worry

29-08-19, 19:28
Still can't seem to shift it all. So my thumb and finger twitch is my left hand. I now remembered that if I put my hands on my head and sort of stretch my right shoulders goes mad with twitching big and small. I remembered this as I done it today and it happened again. Could this point towards Parkinson's or even ALS? I'm in a bad way wit's worry

Again, you're performing bizarre self checking behaviors in order to try and illicit a response to back up your irrational thoughts :shrug:

Positive thoughts

29-08-19, 19:54
This is something I’ve always done with regards hands on my head it’s kind of a relaxing thing. Also looking at my thumb today it looks smaller than the other. Can you feel muscle atrophy?

29-08-19, 20:17
Wow! You are deep in the rabbit hole :( I've seen this here countless times. My recommendation is real life professional help.

Good luck and as always...

Positive thoughts

01-09-19, 01:25
I can relate to the hand shaking when trying to drink a glass of water. I think it’s from muscles or tendons being overworked in a short space of time (probably further up your arm). I had it after gardening and having to use a lot of arm strength to pull up roots - went to get a drink and every time I lifted the glass my hand went in to major shakes! I researched it at the time and found that tremors when you are trying to do something (rather than completely at rest) are usually trapped nerves or stressed muscles. The other twitches I’d be inclined to put down to anxiety and hyper awarenesss.