View Full Version : flank pain on the right side

23-08-19, 14:32
Hello everyone,

I have developed over the last week or so a flank pain on my right side, under the armpit almost particularly when taking a deep breath. It feels like I've been punched there and broke a rib, but I haven't.

This pain also radiates to my back, particularly on my right side kind of in the middle. I suffer from IBS and I have severe anxiety and stress at the moment. Any idea of what could be causing this? I have booked a drs appt but I am in so much discomfort right now that I decided to post here also just to see if anyone has experienced something similar...

Thank you.


bin tenn
23-08-19, 16:48
Perhaps it's a pulled muscle or group of muscles. I seem to pull muscles quite often, and many times in the same general area you're talking about. And since they're all connected in some way, stretching one muscle pulls on others. It can be caused by taking in a deep breath because the lungs expand, which makes the surrounding structures / muscles expand. If you have a pulled muscle, that expansion will cause pain.

24-08-19, 09:39
Thank you for responding bin tenn, I ended going to my local urgent care where they took some x rays and said they were normal, so the dr there said the same thing, most likely muscular origin, but for some reason it feels like its internal, meaning the pain comes from inside the chest cavity, not the outside... its like a sensation of fullness, almost as if I got trapped air or something, its hard to describe..

I can now feel it even when laying down, which is what is fuelling my anxiety and making me think its something more thats being overlooked. I have an appt booked with my family doctor next week anyways so we’ll see what he says, in the meantime i’ll try to control my anxiety.


16-09-19, 20:08
Hello again,

I am still experiencing this pain that has me very worried. I did go to the ER a few weeks back where they examined me and tool some xrays and said everything was fine, most likely a muscle. Well its now been close to a month since I first started experiencing these symptoms and it doesn’t feel any better.

I feel like I have some type of viral flu or something, I have a mild headache, and general body aches mainly on my right side both front by the rib cage and back near the middle of my back. It feels weird when I take a deep breath, like a pull/stabbing kinda feeling both front and back...

Does this sound like I should go back to the dr? I’m thinking of booking an appt this week but I want to rationalize my fears first. Any comments or thoughts are always appreciated as i’m in a state of panic right now thinking the worse.

Thanks for reading
