View Full Version : Keep worrying

21-01-05, 17:39
I wouldn't say I'm panicking as such but I'm worrying a lot about my health. Basically I've had an irritating occasional cough for about 2 months now, I also seem to have aches all round my jaw and neck and sometimes in my ribs. Seeing my doctor on Monday afternoon, I'm going to try and be honest with her and say what I feel. Think I may need an x-ray coz I don't feel anxiety is the cause.

21-01-05, 18:27
hi Dave, could be amxiety mate but best get it checked as you are doing. I have had weeks of dificulty in breathingg chest and shoulder/arm pains, went to docs who sent me for a chest x-ray and they found it to be OK. so I just paut another thing down to anxiety. I have suffered anxiety quite a few years on and off and at times didnt beleive that it could bring so many aches, pains and symtoms. cya hope it goes ok for you. Vernon

21-01-05, 18:55
Hi Dave

When we are suffering with PA, Anxiaty we do worry about our health,
this in intself is a symptom of anxiaty.
It is asways best to get checked out. eg e-ray, bloods.
I had this done and everything came back normal.
Peace of mind goes along way.
Let us know how you get on.



When you fear something,
learn as much about it as you can.
Knowledge conquers fear.

21-01-05, 19:03
mayb not anxiety but r u tence, anxiety has so many different faces, just because u dont feel uptight does not mean that the anxiety is not in the back ground. take yourself to a quite room and try to relax see if this eases the problems if it does (u realy have to persevere it may take a few days) then u know its the anxiety. take care.:D be happy.

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