View Full Version : Im convinced I have wheat intolerance . .

20-09-07, 21:47
Firstly, this is my fist forum post and Im glad to be here. Secondly, I am a long term sufferer, I suffer from extreme Hypochondria and I am extremely anxious all of the time. I am unemployed on Incapacity Benefit because of my anxiety.

I have convinced myself I have a food intolerance and I believe the culprit to be either Wheat / Gluten. Now I don't blame Wheat / Gluten for all my problems, they span back 12 years now and my intolerance (if that what it is) has only been around the last few.

Since the start of my anxiety, I have always had a funny tummy. Constantly at the doctors, constantly being prescribed Zantac or taking Gaviscon. My doctor has Diagnosed me with IBS as well but no lower bowel symptoms. All my discomfort is upper stomach. Sometimes even feeling like it reaches into my throat (which can trigger off a terrible bout of anxiety as I am paranoid about my heart).

So, back to my intolerance . . After eating bread . . cakes . . Pizza . . etc etc I would swell up. Chronic Distention. So uncomfortable, feeling like I had no room to breathe etc etc . . Also drinking ale is included in this list along with rich foods.

I would then go as wheat free as I could for a few days, feel a bit better, slip a bit then bang. Its back. Sometimes a lot worse than others. I would feel drained and almost poisoned. Also sometimes I have this odd craving, where I feel as if I have to eat. I have had all bloodtests suggested by my doctor and all are fine. Even my cholestrol checked. Thats fine.

I went for Celiac testing, negative result. I even tried Natural therapy but to be honest, I was not in the right frame of mind. I am normally very open minded and open to anything but I was so desperate to find out it was, I really wanted a clinical result which I didnt get. I did get a result, the guy who performed the testing was fantastic, it was all about reharmonizing. He believed I was allergic to a LOT of things, Wheat, Gluten, Citrus, Dairy, All chemically altered foods . . but I wanted it proven . . He used a system where he spoke to my body.

For the last two weeks, I have started the day every day with Oat cereal, Im eating a lot of fruit, I use sea salt instead of normal salt, i'm just trying to take care of myself. I dont smoke, I'm not drinking.

Last night, I had a mug of Ovaltine then went to bed. Before this I felt ok. As I started to drop off I started to feel off (it happens a lot to me at this time, as Im trying to doze off).

I feel agitated, I cant breathe properly. I have to take deep breaths through my mouth as I feel my nose itsn't working at all. It makes my heart pound and frightens me. Eventually I drop off but today, I feel awful. Stomach feels like I have cement in it, my mouth feels weird, headache, tense, anxious. Breathing also fels bad but I have had tests to check my breathing and my lungs are fine.

Im sorry if I appear to be rambling but as I type I stuff keeps cropping up in my mind about how I feel.

Oh yes, I have terrible terrible wind. This is also common. When i changed my diet, it was mainly from my lower half shall we say but today, when I feel bad and my stomach feels raw, its top end wind.

Im spending most of my awake hours worrying about what this is? Am I dying?

I dont really know what to do next.

Im sorry if it reads sketchy, its quite difficult to lay it all out.


20-09-07, 21:52
You could get your GP to refer you to a dietician - I did this and got to see her for about 6 sessions to try and sort my diet out etc. Ask him if he will.

If it reaches to your throat then that is acid reflux/indigestion and can be treated as well.

20-09-07, 22:09
Thank you for the speedy reply. I have been taking Zantac for the acid refulx as prescribed my my doctor. It does help sometimes but I am in the terrible habit of convincing myself there has to be more to it.

Maybe I should try finding a dietician for myself. I feel like I bother my gp way to much at the mo.

Thanks for the suggestion.

20-09-07, 22:12
It will be free on the NHS - I went cos I was bloated all the time and I got to see her every few weeks/months and they give you exclusions diets etc to try and help.

Worth a try eh?

20-09-07, 22:20
Yeh for sure. Gonna ring him in the morning. Gotta keep taking positives steps. Thank you again :-)

20-09-07, 22:23
Let us know how it goes ok.

You may have to push for it - I did cos at first he said "oh give up wheat" so I said I had done all that and dairy and no difference so needed a dietician so they referred me on.

Worth a try to reassure you isn't it?

21-09-07, 14:25
Welcome to the site Chris, I read everything you have written - and I could have written the exact same words...............Ive been experiencing the very same things and similar thoughts.

Ive been on zantac, ranitidine and currently on Colofac. Ive had barium meal tests, ultrasound scans, blood tests and all are normal. Im at the stage now, where my life is totally focussed on food, and like you always feel the need to eat. Ive got IBS and constantly feel bloated. I also get the "breathing thing" and usually its trapped wind but it feels like im being smothered! Mine was also in the upper part of my abdomen and throat area - but the past few months its also in my lower abdomen too :-(

Im interested in finding out how you get on with the dietican - this is maybe something i need to look into too.

Big hugs for you and hope we both feel better soon

Darkangel x:flowers:

22-09-07, 08:40
Hi darkangel. I'm sorry you to suffer like me but reading through these forums I can't believe how many people are suffering. :weep:

I have ordered a foodSCAN Food Intolerance Indicator from York Testing. This will just indicate whether or not I have a food intolerance but will not actually tell me what it is. At least then i'll know that something is wrong I can will go from there. I have also telephone my doctor and if the results are positve and I need a dietician then they have agreed to help. I just wish my doctor could do something about food intolerance testing. From what I read York Testing are extremely accurate and have by far the best resukts but to actually identitfy what it could be will cost £242.50 which is quite a lot of money wen you are on benefit. . Mind you, if it means I can start taking steps to get back to a normal life then I will raise the money. It has got to a point now where nothing is as important to me as getting well.

I will keep updating my progress as it happens and my heart goes out to all everyone suffering.

Have a great weekend


22-09-07, 10:49
Hi Chris

Hope you have a lovely weekend too and hopefully get some relief. It is reassuring to know that there are other people in the same boat.

I have heard of York Testing, but I agree its rather expensive. I have attached a website where you can purchase a cheaper kit and if it shows that you are food intolerant then you can have the full test done and pay the extra cost.

http://www.homeinonhealth.com/categories.php?cPath=3_21 (http://www.homeinonhealth.com/categories.php?cPath=3_21)

Hope things improve soon, take care

Darkangel :flowers:

22-09-07, 11:45
I have a wheat and dairy intolerance. Wheat intolerance will definitely cause bloating and discomfort. Stress will cause IBS symptoms as well and can make you feel sick, dizzy, etc.
I don't eat dairy as this is worse and have cut out most wheat based products too. I had kinesiology testing which was very thorough.

22-09-07, 12:00

Just a word of warning here.

The York test will ALWAYS show you have something and then of course you have to pay to find out what. They did some trials on it once and a person send off 3 different blood samples and each report that they paid for came back and said different things so how can that be accurate??

My nutrionalist and another doctor I saw would not do any tests as they said that over 90% of people will come back with either wheat or dairy and you can cut these out yourself to see if it helps.

If anyone is interested I have the diet exclusion plan that the nutrionalist gave me to try but I just couldn't do it - it was far too restrictive for me I am afraid!

I may be able to find it online somewhere or print copies off to post to people.

22-09-07, 13:46
Well Im glad I have only ordered the £17.50 testing kit if that is the case. Im just so desperate to improve things . .

I would certainly be interested in looking at the diet if that's not to much trouble.

I really don't know what else to try . .

01-10-07, 18:37
Welll, time for an update . .

I received my intolerance testing kit from York Testing, the simple one which is just an indicator. Very professional, clear and precise instructions etc etc. I did a pin prick, returned the smaple in the packaging provided . This was last Wednesday. Today I got a telephone call from York, a very polite chap, and he said my test results were positive and I do have an intolerance.

Now I must confess to being a little suspicious. I really hope and want them to be honest and accurate but £242 is what they want to tell me exactly what it is that could be making me ill.

Thats a lot of money, and i'm on Incap Benefit. I'm gonna do a bit more research and i'll keep this updated.