View Full Version : Rib pain after viral infection

25-08-19, 12:26
I was quite ill with a bad viral infection for about 3 weeks and had an awful cough throughout it. The cough has pretty much, I just have the odd dry throat cough now instead of chesty.

My ribs would hurt every so often during some coughing fits but for the last week, even though the cough is mostly gone - my rib pain is worse. It hurts a little to touch, to lie on, walking sometimes, twist certain ways, cough, sneeze and tmi but pushing out a poo too. It's like a pinching and stretched pain if that makes sense. Can also feel popping sensations sometimes in the sore area of my rib. Breathing is fine and I can take deep breaths in and out without any pain.

Has anyone else ever had this after a bad cough? Painkillers, heat pads, cold gel etc haven't helped really. I feel anxious in general atm, there's a lot going on but this just makes me think I've bloody punctured a lung or something and that's causing some of the anxiety.

25-08-19, 12:53
I have cracked ribs before from coughing so it could be that.

25-08-19, 13:20
You have effectively completed 20,000 situps in the last week or two. I'd be surprised if you didn't hurt tbh.

And I know somebody who gave themself a hernia coughing, and I coughed up blood several times, bursting blood vessels.

25-08-19, 13:29
I wish my stomach toned up a bit in the process of all those situps :roflmao: I agree though. I had pneumonia about 10 years ago and broke 2 ribs from excessive coughing. I can barely remember how it felt or if this feels similar because I was so doped up on strong painkillers, antibiotics etc. I don't know whether to just keep treating the pain at home for another week or so or to try and get an appt with a GP or nurse practioner or go to the break and sprains unit at hospital. I know there's nothing really they can do for rib injuries other than painkillers. I only got an x ray to see if I had pneumonia from how my breathing sounded not because of the pain last time so I don't know if they would do anything now that my breathing is fine and I look back to normal after the bug.