View Full Version : Im convinced I have pancreatic cancer.

25-08-19, 18:39
Hello all,

I truly appreciate everyone on this forum, so many of us struggle with thoughts and medical issues.

Ive had a rough 2.5 years with medical anxiety, symptoms and pains.

About 2 years ago I had pain under my left bottom rib cage, back shoulder blade, and a persistent feeling of something under my left rib even when not in pain. This lasted a year! Also had varying bowel movements, bowel color, consistancy etc. After I persisted about 6 months into the problems, I had a few tests ran. Blood work - normal. Sigmoidscopy - clear. CT w/contrast of abdomen and digestive area- clear (some incidence of diverticulitis found), Ultra sound near tail of pancreas - clear. A few months later, it all just... dissapeared. Very confusing but was a relief physically and mentally.

Bad news, after about 6 months, its back as of the last few days. All of it. Pain in exactly the same spots. Same feelings, same bowel movements. Losing weight pretty fast, but eating much less. Obviously, Ive been googling for 2 years now. Everything points to PC. I have planned my own death for two years now, going over in my head how I would die, and the effect on loved ones. The worry never leaves me. I just got a new job offer, with a salary I dreamed of and I cant even enjoy this moment. Now I have to go through convincing Dr to perform tests. At this point they dont believe anything I say.

Also, had headaches about 2 months ago. 1 month of the same headache every day. I was convinced I was going to die from something at that point, but the headaches completely stopped after a month.

Not sure why I am posting, maybe just so I can talk to someone about it without feeling like a mental case. Anyway, maybe someone is dealing with something similar...

25-08-19, 18:43
The fact that you had symptoms which went away and then returned points that it is not cancer. The fact that you had ultrasound which would detect pancreatic cancer but it didn't means that you don't have it. You have the same thing that you had 2 years ago, which is not cancer.

25-08-19, 19:06
Thank you for this. That logic make sense. I just am now in my head thinking maybe symptoms never went away, I just got use to it. I am not sure. The painless feeling of something under my bottom left rib never went away. I feel when laying down on my left side and when laying on my stomach.

25-08-19, 19:10
That feeling never went away, but you didn't have cancer before (ultrasound clear) so you don't have it now as well.

26-08-19, 00:40
What color is your urine?

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26-08-19, 03:54
Light yellow I think. I havent been drinking much water, but yesterday when I drank a lot it was almost clear.

26-08-19, 03:55
@hypo84 lets hope my friend

26-08-19, 04:48
Yellow urine is a good indication that you probably don’t have it.

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26-08-19, 10:49
2.5 years with pancreatic cancer? A walking medical miracle!

If you had PC for this long, you'd be long dead. Sorry to be harsh, but thats the facts

26-08-19, 11:48
^^ what he said. You would be dead by now

26-08-19, 14:48
2.5 years with pancreatic cancer? A walking medical miracle!

If you had PC for this long, you'd be long dead. Sorry to be harsh, but thats the facts

I get that. and you are right. im a basket case.

just the symptoms have similarities and thats what gets me. they did find fat in my stool as well but i guess that points to a multitude of things. the pain on left rib cage radiating to back just is spot on for PC, but indeed. i would be dead.

26-08-19, 15:07
So, just accept that you don't have PC and start focusing on some other cancer...just kiddin' ^^

26-08-19, 15:15
I most likely will! haha i have big problems in my head my friend.

26-08-19, 15:24
All of us that lurk on this forum do.

26-08-19, 21:43
I just have so many symptoms of different nature is it possible it is all completely mental? I sweat more on my left side, armpit and below my chest. Sometimes get warm water feeling over my right leg, like spilling warm water on my leg. Constant feeling under left rib... list goes on. I sometimes am so exhausted of all of this, I get very very depressed. I take meds for depression for years, and now my doctors aren't very helpful, I understand their opinion but I feel like the symptoms are real. Even my left arm pit, was noticed by my girl friend, both pits sweat but everything on the left sweats worse. And of course I googled that a while ago, and as always it was not fun experience to read.

Ive had countless blood tests, hormone tests, inflammation tests, Brain MRI, Chest X-rays (3x), One CT scan with contrast of digestive system, Sigmoidscopy, urine tests, stool tests (no blood, had some fat). I feel like a psychopath or there in fact is something wrong maybe not life threatening but life affecting.

26-08-19, 22:16
My right armpit sweats a lot more than the left one. Started 2 years ago for no apparent reason. Google said it is neurological thing, I was scared shitless for a while but, it turns out it was nothing as I am still standing.

Some of your symptoms are probably in your head, others are real, but result of some boring non lethal conditions.

27-08-19, 23:05
Now I have pain in that armpit. On scale of 1 to 10, about a 3. Constant pain and discomfort, can't put that arm down. I can't tell if there are any lumps or bumps, don't see much or feel anything. Now of course I am scared because I use finasteride which is known to cause breast cancer in some men, and I have a history of gynecomastia.

21-09-19, 13:36
I have the exact same symptoms!! Going for a couple of months now.. the feeling of ‘something’ under my left rib cage, the weird bowel movements, the abdominal/flank pain... did u ever find out what it was? Or still in pain? Gosh im terrified!

24-09-19, 04:47
I have the exact same symptoms!! Going for a couple of months now.. the feeling of ‘something’ under my left rib cage, the weird bowel movements, the abdominal/flank pain... did u ever find out what it was? Or still in pain? Gosh im terrified!

Never found out. But its been 1.5 years since onset, since about 6 months ago it disappeared. Once in a while it will show itself, but ive learned to live with it. Had CT scans, sigmoidscopy, various blood, stool, urine tests, all normal. Not even a single polyp. So my dr just said "who knows". I take it as a good sign.

24-09-19, 09:40
All the tests you had prove that you don't have digestive type cancer. Pancreatic cancer presents with orange urine and grey/white, fatty, floating stools, also jaundice of eyes and skin. This can also have with benign conditions like pancreatitis and bile duct issues.

24-09-19, 16:13
All the tests you had prove that you don't have digestive type cancer. Pancreatic cancer presents with orange urine and grey/white, fatty, floating stools, also jaundice of eyes and skin. This can also have with benign conditions like pancreatitis and bile duct issues.

I agree, i have moved on from that thought. Unfortunately I am now spiraling thinking about cancer with other unrelated symptoms I have. Its a horrible horrible cycle.