View Full Version : Nothing makes sense!

25-08-19, 21:35
Hello everyone.

I think I just want a space to write this down and gain some opinions which aren’t from family. I don’t know how much my health anxiety is contributing to all of this...

Back in June I was bitten by a tic whilst walking in Exmoor. A few days later I get an expanding red rash on my back, not where I found the tick, not bullseye, just expanding in different directions. It was really itchy. Worried, I seek an out of hours doctors appointment who puts me on three weeks antibiotics in case of Lyme disease. I feel fine, no flu symptoms, rash goes super quickly. Didn’t give it much thought!

Towards the end of my three weeks treatment I start getting strange symptoms - burning hands, pins and needles. Doctor puts me on second course of antibiotics ‘as an insurance policy’ and refers me to infectious disease consultant just in case.

I see the ID consultant about two weeks into second course of antibiotics and pin feelings had subsided but had twitching in my calves. Lyme blood test comes back negative but he did say that could be because antibiotics stopped the antibodies developing. He said I will have to live with some uncertainty as to whether I ever had Lyme. He said if I had of caught lymes, he has however no uncertainty to the fact that these treatments are hammering it, and that I got treatment super early. He said these symptoms would calm down with time. And that I have absolutely nothing to worry about. I was discharged.

Fast forward two weeks to today, antibiotics finished, muscle spasms at an all time high, along with burning hands and feet. On paper, these ongoing symptoms don’t make a great deal of sense - I’ve had not one but two 3 weeks treatments now, both NICE approved. I also had treatment within days of a rash appearing. So why on earth do I still have these symptoms?!

Undoubtedly I am stressed/distressed/upset/worried by all of this. So I honestly don’t know how much of what I’m experiencing (muscle twitching, hot hands and feet) are stress induced. I get in a bit of a health spiral sometimes, and to date everything I’ve made spiral before has never actually come to anything. So am I doing it again?

How on earth do you know. I honestly have no idea what to do!

25-08-19, 22:11
Hi there, I contacted Lyme disease 2 years ago! I was on doxycycline for 2.5 months and have been on a herbal protocol since. Testing is so unreliable and the lyme specialist doctors tend to treat according to symptoms and not blood tests, I am happy to help in any way if I can please feel free to get in touch