View Full Version : I am new

21-09-07, 09:23
Hi to everybody,

I started to look for help only week ago, as only then I realise that I have very strong panic attacks. Before I thougt that it is simple my fair and character. I was afraid (and I am still afraid) to enter meeting room if I am late, to go to talk to somebody. I closed myself at home. I really afraid to go out alone to pub/night clubs/gym and etc.If I am going at once I have headacke, sweating and my hands are shaking. I am 29 yo, one year I live abroad and I dont know language of the country. This is also dont help me to integret in sociaty.
My two last panic attacks was really strong, I was at home in both cases, I was so scared that only one thing in my head was "how I will survive this? I need to survive.." And now I am afraid to have them.
I understood now how people, especially mothers suicide, at that moment you cant thing about anything, you dont care about your family, chlidren and etc.
I would be happy to share my experience, my fairs with somebody, who succeded to get out of such situation and now have normal life.
My mother tongue is not english, so sorry if I made a lot of mistakes.
hugs to everobody

21-09-07, 10:23
:welcome: Yurgita, nice to see you here.

Sorry to hear you have been having such a rough time lately. I suffered panic attacks too and mine were so bad that I never left the house for about 3 years, but now I lead a fairly normal life I can go out with family and friends, go on holidays and life is good. Don't ever give up you can get through this, it takes hard work and positive thinking, get all the help you need through counselling and therapy, speak to your doctor he will point you in the right direction.

Good luck with everything, I'm sure you will find some really helpful information on this site, I know I have. Your english is very good by the way so don't worry about that.

Take care

21-09-07, 12:18
Hello Yurgita And Welcome........linda

21-09-07, 13:04
Hello yurgita:welcome:to you!

Your english sounds perfectly ok to us, so please don't be concerned ok?:)

Glad you found us - I'm sure you'll find the help and support you're looking for here.

Pleased to meet you!


21-09-07, 16:15
Hi Yurgita,

Welcome to the site. Your english sounds fine to me too. Many here understand what you are going through and you will find support.



21-09-07, 16:25
Hi Yurgita,

A big warm welcome to you. xx

21-09-07, 16:36
Hi Yurgita, :flowers:

Welcome, and your english is very good. You are going through a hard time right now, but things will start to get better, with lots of practise and paitience. I'm having a tough time at the moment myself, but I have done it before, so I know I can do it again, and everyone on this site, is so helpful, and full of encouragment.

Good luck

Keep smiling :D

21-09-07, 19:18
Hi Yurgita

:welcome: aboard and lovely to see you here.

Hope we can be of some help.

21-09-07, 21:52
Hi Yurgita and :welcome:

You'll get lots of advice and support here while making new friends along the way.

Take care,

Mike :)

22-09-07, 18:17
Hi Yurgita

Welcome to NMP, its lovely to see you here, im sure you will get some great advice, support and make new friends too.:)
