View Full Version : Looking for advice about 11 year old daughter

26-08-19, 23:17
I'm hoping to get some advice on what is the logical thing to do. About 2 or 3 months ago my 11 year old daughter said she was getting chest pains. I didn't let her see my panic but of course I jumped to the worst conclusion straight away. She said they only lasted about 10 seconds and then went away. She mentioned it a few more times since but the past few weeks didn't say anything about it - until today. She said she was getting them a good few times today and I calmly asked her where the pain was, and what kind of pain it was. She pointed to the left side of her chest, slightly above her breast. She found it hard to describe it and I didn't push her too hard. A while later she pressed her finger, not too hard, to the area that was sore and she said it hurt her to do that. She asked me could it be a pulled muscle and I just said possibly! She was wondering if it was from last Thursday when she played tennis for about 2hours, which is something she wouldn't be used to doing. Although I would have thought it would have hurt her before today if that's what was causing it.
My HA mind is jumping to a heart problem, straight away. I don't know am I jumping to conclusions, is it something I should get checked or do I wait and see what happens.....

27-08-19, 00:15
If she’s 11, could it not be the start of the formation of breast buds? My daughter had discomfort with that when she was about 10 or 11. Also (I might be wrong) but I think heart pain is usually felt more centrally - despite the location of the heart. It’s also quite possible the exercise had caused a slight muscle strain. I know it’s easy to worry about our kids. Stay positive. X

27-08-19, 01:46
Growing pains, indigestion (kids eat crap...behind your back sometimes), growing pains.

Growing pains.

27-08-19, 12:40
My first thought was the same as Catalyst. At 11 it would make sense to have some paid with breast formation. It's pretty common and I don't think it has to be constant or on both sides, etc...