View Full Version : blood pressure worry

21-09-07, 10:16
Hi, i have just been for my routine smear test, got in a bit of state, but then i do with any appointment, the thing is that while i was there they also checked my blood pressure and apparently it was quite high, it was checked again before i left and it had come down a little, but now they want me to have it checked again in 2 weeks time.
I know worrying about it does not help but how do you relax before appointments my heart is always racing and beating hard when i am in the waiting room, i wish i could just calm down and not get in such a state. Helen:shrug:

21-09-07, 14:25
Hi Helen,
I just dont know how to stop this heart thing, If you do find something that works let me know, please, I'm desperate, this feeling is awfull, and puts you out of control.

21-09-07, 20:05

Did they tell you what the reading was?

Just to reassure you - I have high blood pressure and am now on medication for it.

However - I had high readings for well over a year before they decided to put me on the meds so they can't have been that worried about my heart can they?

I also had a 24-hour blood pressure monitor in March and the results were fine. I have what is called "white coat syndrome" so mine is always high at the docs.

Maybe you have this too.

22-09-07, 10:39
hi nicola, thanks for your reply, i believe the reading was something like 163/86 i do not understand it the nurse just said it was high, which got me worried straight away.
Like you said it could be due to white coat syndrone as i am always very anxious at the doctors. Also for the last few days i have had a tension headache and now i am concerned it is because of my blood pressure. It is a vicious circle while i am worrying about it, it is prob making it higher but how do you stop the worry? I have tried relaxation before appointments but i just cannot concentrate. Oh well i will see what my next reading says and hope it is better.:shrug: Helen

22-09-07, 11:38
Does high blood pressure cause tension headaches then?

I have headaches constantly

22-09-07, 11:48

I would have thought that reading was within the "Normal" range. I wouldn't be concerned about that at all. High Blood pressure can cause headaches, but only if its substantially high. When i was pregnant with my son, in the last 3 weeks mine went up to 195/110, and i ONLY started getting headaches in the last couple of days. My mother is also on BP medication and i've never heard her complain of headaches.

Don't worry...


22-09-07, 11:53

I have headaches ALL the time too. My blood pressure is really LOW (88/51). I've been to the doctors and had tests done and i've been told i am just a "headachey" person.
Tension is the most likely reason for headaches. When i get them, they go on for weeks and weeks, then they just stop.


22-09-07, 11:55
I don't think that reading is high either.

I never got headaches with mine either. Some people say that is half the problem as you never know you have high blood pressure as there are few, if any, symptoms of it.

Ann - a common cause of headaches is dehydration as well. Are you drinking enough water?

22-09-07, 11:56
Thanks Bluebell and Nicola:hugs:

Just feeling really paranoid today.

I probably could do with upping my intake of water - as I dont drink very much to be honest.

22-09-07, 17:52
Hi Helen

You did say " you where in a bit of a state, because of the appointment" Im like you i get realy stressed when i have to visit my GPs surgery which makes my blood pressure reading higher. last time i went i asked if i could read a magazine while they where taking the reading, that helped me relax and take my mind off the sittuation and my BP dropped.:)

hope that helped


23-09-07, 09:24
Well I went to the doctor’s back last year and had a routine check up and they found that my BP was high 184/96:ohmy: they told me I need to check it day by day. I could do this by just dropping into the practice and using their stand alone machine and record my readings.

Just the thought of going into the doctors makes me sweat so after a few days of doing this I bought my own BP cuff, I got advice from the pharmacist and he even showed me how to use it. I took it home and kept records of my BP and went back two weeks later. And guess what all the readings I did were with in normal range 120/80 :yesyes: they cost £9.99 from Lloyd’s chemist and they are recommended by doctors. Just thought I would share this with you all.

Love Sam